Chapter 8 - Hanging out with Draco & Fight with Harry

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So, ever since Harry and Ron saved Hermione and Chloe from the troll, they have all continued to get closer to each other and have already became a close knit group with each other! 💘

Chloe, Hermione, Harry and Ron have started to do a lot of research about Nicholas Flamel and why he was important for Fluffy to guard the mystery item but they haven't found anything yet.

This is set two weeks before the Christmas break at Hogwarts 🎄

Chloe was currently hanging out with Draco in the Great Hall after they had handed in their project to Professor Snape for their Potions class and they were talking and laughing with each other and they now knew that they get on well with each other when Draco isn't being mean about her best friends - Hermione, Harry and Ron.

Chloe was already best friends with Hermione and was getting closer with Harry and Ron after they saved the two of them from the troll at Halloween.

"So, how do you think we did for our project for our Potions class?" Chloe asked Draco who was looking straight at her.

"I think we did okay. I hope we get a pass for this project, I mean, Snape likes me, so he would definitely give our project a high mark." Draco said with a slight smirk on his face which made Chloe grin back at him.

"The only reason why Snape likes you is because you're in Slytherin, which is the house that he is the head of." Chloe said and rolled her eyes at Draco and laughed quietly to herself.

"I'm sure that's not the reason why he likes me." Draco said to Chloe who then looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Haven't you noticed that in his classes with us, he's always being mean to Harry? Or even Ron, Hermione or Neville? He's always nice to you because you are in his house." Chloe said with a slight anger in her tone of voice and continued to look at Draco.

"Oh. I have heard Snape being mean to Potter and anyone else but that's because they aren't in the same house as us and have different blood status to us as well." Draco said and saw Chloe taking a deep breath in and out as she then looked back at Draco.

"It doesn't matter if they are in different houses as us, or whether they have the same blood status as us. I'm in Hufflepuff and I'm best friends with Hermione, Harry and Ron who's in Gryffindor but Snape should never ever treat his students differently in his classes. No other professor here treats their students differently apart from Snape." Chloe said with anger rising in her voice and then she left Draco in the Great Hall to go and calm herself down from arguing with Draco.

Draco then walked out of the Great Hall to find Chloe sitting down on one of the benches in the corridor and walked over to her and sat down next to her.

"I'm sorry for making you angry in there, Chloe. I just never.." Draco said and trailed off at the end of his sentence which made Chloe look at him.

"It's okay, I think I was just mad about Snape treating my best friends differently than you, that's all. What did you want to say?" Chloe said and turned her body towards Draco who was looking ahead and not at Chloe.

"I mean, I just never know what things I say that would make other people angry or upset and I don't care if they are angry and upset and that what makes me feel good." Draco said as he saw Chloe with her mouth wide open at what Draco just confessed to her. 

"What? You mean you feel good when you make fun or taunt other people?" Chloe asked Draco and saw him nod his head slowly as she then sighed, "Look, Draco, you clearly have a wall in front of you and nobody has ever tried to break the wall down to get to know the real you. I will be there for you if you ever need to talk to anyone and I won't judge anything that you say." she said and saw Draco with a little smile on his face.

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