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I took one last look in the mirror before i headed out of the house.

I chose to wear a black crop top and blue oversized jeans. I didn't straighten my hair. Instead i let my curly locks cascade down my back.

I successfully covered my hickeys with makeup hoping that it would last until i got home.

I walked to school slower than usual but it wasn't on purpose. I guessed i was too nervous to see Rafe and Topper again. Not that me and Topper had something but i felt a little guilty for what i did.

But only a little. I was glad that i showed Rafe that he can't just ignore me like that.

I got to the school and i noticed that nobody was outside. Fuck. That meant the lessons had already started.

I switched to a higher speed and apologised as i stepped into the classroom. I was given a warning that i had been late 2 times already and that after the third i'd get detention. I nodded and sat down at my desk trying to catch up with what the teacher was saying.

On the hallways i met sarah.

"Hey girl what's up?" she greeted me and pulled me into a tight hug.

I hugged her back and smiled. "Nothing much."

"My parents aren't home so do you want to sleep over tomorrow?" she asked. "I invited Kiara too but she has to work so she can't. It would be just you and me."

I honestly needed some time with my friends and i couldn't find a reason not to go so i nodded. "Yeah sure. Sounds great. I'll be there at 6."

"Perfect." she grinned and hugged me again before we separated.

As i walked down the hall i noticed Rafe coming from the other side of the school. I took a deep breath as we passed. He gave me a small smirk and nodded his head as a sign that he acknowledged me.

That was definitely improvement. Just as i was about to relax i remembered. Rafe is Sarah's brother. Fuck.

That meant that i had to be there in the Cameron house with Sarah while Rafe was in the house too. I would have to prevent any situations that could fuck me up.

I thought about not going but i couldn't do that to Sarah. So with a deep breath i went to my next class and waited for school to end.

When it did i went outside and started walking home. However i quickly regretted the decision because Jake stood right across the road obviously waiting for me.

I looked around unpleasantly and sighed as i walked over to him.

"What do you want?" i huffed.

"You." he said.

I let out a chuckle. "Are you really this fucking dumb or do you just act like it?"

"I'm serious Kaylee. Fuck i miss you."

I scrunched my nose in disgust. "I don't care Jake. I don't miss you and i'm not sorry about it."

"You're still a fucking bitch." he growled.

"Yeah? And you're still a piece of shit." i said trying to end the conversation and get home as soon as i could. Jake clearly didn't get the message.

"I swear to god i'm going to kill you." he hissed. "I know where you live. I'd watch my back if i were you."

His words sent a shiver down my spine.

"Leave me alone Jake." i muttered and started walking home leaving him standing there alone.

When i got home i packed my stuff for the night. It was only the afternoon but i wanted to be ready to leave when i got back because i decided to got to 'The Wrench' to see Kiara.

The restaurant was only a ten minute walk away. I stepped inside and greeted Kiara's parents. They immediately pointed to where Kiara was sitting knowing i was here for her.

"Hi babe." i smiled and pulled her in for a hug. I caught her off guard so she let out and excited squeak.

"Kaylee. Hi." she laughed. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I was thinking i'd come see you, you know i'm sleeping at Sarah's and i wanted to spend some time with you too." i explained feeling sorry that she couldn't join us.

"That's what i love about you." she smiled and ordered our favourite drinks.

"What's the deal with Jake?" she asked carefully.

I sighed and shook my head. "He's a maniac Kie."

"If you need to talk i'm here." She placed her hand on mine. I smiled at the sweet gesture.

"It's just that he said he misses me and then he called me a bitch and then he threatened to kill me."

"Oh my god." she gasped. "Is he serious?"

I sucked in a breath between my teeth. "Honestly i don't know. It's Jake. I'm choosing to believe that he was bluffing."

"Well if you feel unsafe you know you can go to our houses. Except JJ's" she laughed.

I let out a laugh too feeling slightly relieved. We talked for hours and even went for a walk. After chatting of the most random things in the world i told her that i should be leaving.

"So you at Sarah's." she stated. "I hope you'll have a good time and when i'm free too we'll do it again."

"We will."

"Oh and look out for Rafe. He's a real asshole." she said.

"I know and i will thanks Kie. Love you." i said laughing on the inside. Little did she know that i knew Rafe more than i wanted to.

"Love you too." she blew a kiss as i exited the restaurant.

At home i picked up my bag and walk towards Sarah's house. The closer i got the faster my heart raced as i hoped the night wouldn't be a total failure.



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