The Mall and, Grandma Disguises?

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There he is! If I could just - "SARA!" I looked up. Oops I think I zoned out again. "What?" I asked. Alice rolled her eyes. "I need to know if this dress design is good." I looked over her drawing of the amazing dress she drew. "The assignment was to make a red carpet dress. What do you think?" She asked nervously. I looked at the long, fitted, red dress she drew and smiled. "It's amazing! Are you gonna try to make it?" I asked looking up at him behind her head. She flicked me in the arm. "Ow!" I screeched "Stop looking at Cole! And yes I do plan on making it." She smiled mischievously. Riley came over with our drinks. She smiled but it quickly faded. "Ew look who's here." she said rather loudly. "Come on let's leave before we get a disease." She said disgusted. I giggled at her as we followed.

We continued walking until we came across him again only this time the Queen Bee and her posse was with her. we ducked behind a bush. "What should we do?" I asked them. "Spy on them, obviously." Alice said. "How?" I asked. Alice whipped out a grey wig and granny glasses. "Because I always come prepared." She smirked,it was all I could do to not blow our cover as she put the outfit on.

She walked over and "accidentally" numbed into them. She started rambling to them until Belle took Cole into a shoe shop. "He never went shoe shopping with me!" I scoffed. Riley rubbed my back in a way to say "it's okay". Alice followed them when all of a sudden she bumped into an older man who started flirting with her.

Riley and I were cracking up as Alice tried to get away from the Old man. Finally she ripped off the wig and glasses and yelled something at him before storming off to us. "Old men are really bad flirters." she said while leading us out of the mall.

I'm sorry this is a really short chapter, but I didn't want to leave you hanging! I was having a bit of a writers block so this is just a filler chapter. Yay new pictures! The characters have kind of changed so alexcupcakess made some new pictures 😊. Thanks for reading guys!

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