Chapter 20

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Yuchan swore to himself as he opened up his phone to read the texts he had missed. Byeongkwan had gone crazy worrying about him.

I totally forgot about him.


Tapping into Byeongkwan's contact information from the message screen, Chan decided to ring him up, feeling like it would be a better decision to talk directly to his friend after all this mess. Almost immediately there was an answer.

"Chan!? What the hell happened to you are you okay? Where did you go!? You didn't come back last night and didn't leave a note or a text or anything I thought something terrible happened!"

"Hey, hey, I know. It was my bad." Yuchan replied, trying to calm the guy down. After a moment, Byeongkwan went quiet enough to allow his runaway friend a word or two. "I'm sorry. I should have said something about it when it happened. I found a place to stay for the night."

"Oh... I see." Byeongkwan had noticeably settled down by now, glad to hear nothing bad had happened. He took a moment to breathe before continuing. "Why didn't you answer any of my calls or texts? I was worried about you."

"The place I found was Donghun's apartment."

The man on the other end of the phone went completely silent, long enough to make Chan wonder if he was still there. The delinquent pulled the phone away from his ear to look at it, but as soon as he did, an explosion of sound came from its speaker.


"Hey— hey! Byeongkwan!" Chan attempted to speak over his overly dramatic friend. It took a while, but eventually the delinquent was able to capture his attention again. "Dude! Stop making my fucking eardrums bleed."

"Okay! Okay— geez! I'll stop yelling about it, but fuck, dude! You gotta tell me how it went down. How'd you manage to do it!?" Byeongkwan clamored eagerly. However, Yuchan wasn't so ecstatic.

"No— Byeongkwan— I didn't do anything with him. He just brought me to his place for the night and that was that." Chan sighed. "I don't know how to feel about it, actually— just being here in general. He's confusing the hell out of me right now."

"Oh... what do you mean?"

"I guess something did happen." Yuchan leaned against a wall, shoving his free hand in his pocket. He placed the phone back up to his ear and resumed explaining. "I got him to admit he was attracted to me, but... he told me that giving me a chance was still impossible... but even still, he extended the offer for me to stay overnight. We almost kissed... then he pulled away and told me it was wrong for him to be with me—since he's my psychologist and all that bullshit. It's just this on and off like something is still putting him off about me."

Byeongkwan paused for a moment, his enthusiasm gone completely. Instead, it was replaced with a solemn seriousness that only existed when it truly needed to. He thought about Yuchan's words for a moment before giving his friend an honest opinion.

"I'd hate to be so honest with you, Chan... but this sounds problematic. It doesn't really sound like he's trying to manipulate you... but I don't know if this is going to be healthy for you—"

"No!" Chan raised his voice immediately, a defensiveness instinctively rising in him. "No, Byeongkwan. I'm serious about this. I've never felt like this before. You're the one who helped me try to pursue this, and I'm not gonna stop now. I can feel that he's interested, I just need to keep trying. I don't care how unhealthy it is or how problematic this relationship could be. I need this."

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