I'm Sure You're A Devil Between The Sheets

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The next morning the omega woke up to a pounding headache. His mouth felt like it was filled with cotton and all the boy wanted to do was fall back asleep but he couldn't. The sound of a zipper caused Louis to crack his eyes open. On the floor next to the couch Louis had been sleeping on, was his duffle bag from the night before. One of the Beta's he lived with, Tony, was snooping through Louis' bag. "Where'd you get all of this cash?" the blonde haired, brown eyed Beta asked with a huff. It was like the beta was annoyed with the omega. "From work" Louis said simply. He knew he couldn't stop the beta, knowing if the man wanted to take the money he would. "Thought you got fired".

Louis sat up slowly, lifting a hand to hold his head. "Yeah, but I got a new job". The beta counted one of the small stacks of cash in his hand before pocketing it. Louis watched as the Beta zipped the duffle bag up, leaving half of the money behind, "this will cover rent". And that's all the man said before grabbing his keys and leaving the house. Louis didn't really see Tony or Phillip sober besides first thing in the morning, but they never really chat. It was always "here's your money" and then nothing more. The omega knew he would need to find somewhere else to live soon, knowing that if Tony had been drunk he wouldn't have anything left to his name.

He could remember bits and pieces of his night before. Blaze and him ended up doing shots with the green eyed Alpha. He did a few more dances with that same Alpha sitting in the front row. The omega never caught the man's name, but that was fair since Louis never told him his either. Liam had congratulated the omega on being a decent dancer and doing so well that night. The manager was more than happy to have the omega back whenever he wanted to dance. The Alpha bartender seemed really happy with the tips Louis had been leaving him, as the night went on, with more alcohol in his system, the Alpha's tips grew. It was fun, but Louis knew he couldn't let it be an every night thing.

The omega found himself staring at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, wiping his face with a wet washcloth. The makeup Blaze had put on him the night before smudged against his skin. The coarse fabric felt like it was sanding away at his skin, but it's the best he could do. Louis dreamed that one day he'd have an actual home. One with plush towels, reliable hot water for a long, steamy shower or a bath. He wished he wouldn't have to worry about money. Wouldn't have to worry when he'd eat next. He hoped that dancing would give him some sort of stability.

The omega wasn't dumb, he knew he wasn't that good of a dancer, but he knew he could learn quick. He hoped that Blaze would continue to teach him tricks. He hoped that the strangers that watched him dance would continue to throw money at him. It felt a bit degrading, but it was better than stealing in his opinion. He didn't mind the betas and alphas staring at him like they hadn't eaten in weeks, it kind of felt good to know he looked so good that wolves were salivating over him and his body.

Louis turned the tap in the shower on, letting it warm up for a few seconds before stepping into the lukewarm spray. Showers always had to be quick because he never knew when the water would get cold again. He hastily scrubbed at his body with the washcloth, using a bit of the shower gel he had left. He had been mixing water into the old bottle for a few weeks now, but it was still enough to get a little sudsy. As he washed himself, the water temperature continued to fluctuate, he just thought to himself. 'I'm going to get out of here. I'll be okay soon. I have to be okay soon'.

When the water's temperature continued to dip down to an icy feeling on his body, Louis turned the tap off. The towels he had access to were rough, and he dreamed of a soft plush one instead as he dried off. His thoughts took him back to the curly haired Alpha from last night. There was just something so intriguing about the man. He didn't speak much, didn't give away any personal details, that probably made him more mystifying. It's like Louis would do anything to chip away at the walls the Alpha had built around himself. The omega wanted to know more.

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