This Is My Omega, Not A Friend

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A/N: Sorry for the lack of update last week. I had a slight family emergency and was feeling really stressed. Everything is okay now, we just have to wait to see how things go. Also, there won't be an update next week as I have two concerts to go to on Thursday and Friday (two different cities, NYC and one near DC). 

Also, happy birthday to one of my favourite readers natscroggin for always supporting my writing and just being a wonderful reader. I hope you have a great birthday!

- Abi x


As the weeks went on, Louis had noticed more and more how the triplets had changed. They didn't share dreams anymore, not since the first few weeks after their bonding. Now Louis' dreams were about what the future could have in store for him. As each day had passed, the omega realized how these three men weren't the boys he had first known.

Possessiveness was becoming more and more known from the triplets. Along with the possessiveness came anger. In the last week, Marcel had started more verbal fights than Louis had noticed before. It was like he was intentionally starting them for the hell of it. He was moody, intimidating, didn't respect the personal space of others, and it was like he was purposefully fighting. He'd always take the opposing side, just to fight even if he didn't personally agree with it.

When he couldn't pick a fight out of someone easily, he'd push and push and push until the person lost it. There was only so much a wolf could take before breaking. He was becoming the monster that Louis had only seen in the triplet's father. There was something different about this, and Louis couldn't figure it out. Instead, he let Marcel be right and didn't push his luck. He wasn't scared of the man, knowing he'd never hurt him, but he didn't want to be the one to make him upset.

Harry was becoming extremely jealous of those around Louis. He hated that the boy worked in the club, his club, knowing there were nights that he or his brothers couldn't sit and watch their mate. He was jealous of the wolves who enjoyed the way their mate's body moved, the way his itty bitty outfits clung to his curvy body. His jealousy was starting to cause issues with his job and the relationship between the brothers, which led to more fighting.

The middle triplet would become enraged with little to no provocation. He was always looking for a fight, Marcel and him butting heads multiple times a day. Where Marcel was looking for a verbal spat, Harry was looking for a physical one. Resorting to physical violence was something Harry had learned from his father. The dead man still ruining their lives from beyond the grave.

Edward slowly became cold, pushing himself away from Louis and it was eating the omega alive. The boy just couldn't understand what he had done wrong to anger all three of his Alphas, and he didn't like it. The eldest triplet no longer cuddled with Louis at night, and their sex life was barely there at all now. The only time they had sex was after the man would fight at the club. The eldest triplet had become incredibly impatient. If you didn't answer the man fast enough or did as he said immediately, it would result in you getting berated.

He had easily become more controlling with Louis, but the sweet omega innocently saw it as a sign of the man's love. When the triplets had given the boy his first phone, Edward would ask him multiple times a day where he was if they weren't together. Louis knew he just wanted to make sure he was okay, in his heart he knew that's all that the man wanted.

It was a little hard on Louis at first, but he was usually quick to adapt, he's always had to be that way to make it through life. He was very empathetic of the brothers. He tried to stay out of the way, did his best to be the best omega. Even though they had hit a rough patch, Louis wasn't going to let that affect them. He was thankful for everything the triplets had done for him, for what they continue to do, and he was going to stand by his Alphas sides. The boy had become more curious than normal, wanting to know what exactly had gotten into the brothers, but he knew being nosey would just get him into trouble.

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