Answer Me, Is That What You Want?

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Louis let the sound of the music take over his body. His hips swayed to the songs, sweat covering his delicate skin. Edward wasn't much of a dancer, but his sweet omega had asked so who was he to say no to the high boy. The Alpha had let Louis do most of the dancing, feeling as the smaller boy's bottom dragged against his crotch. The man had taken a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down, but he could smell his boy's sweet slick through his jeans.

The omega's pupils were dilated making his baby blues almost pure black. His breathing had grown heavier over their time on the dancefloor. Louis wasn't sure how much time had passed and he didn't particularly care. The boy turned around and took his eldest mate by surprise, wrapping his arms around Edward's neck and pulling the wolf down towards him.

Their lips were almost touching, their heated breaths fanning the other's lips. Edward was sure his eyes mirrored Louis in their high state. There was truly something beautiful in the way their bodies reacted to both manmade and natural drugs. The omega leaned closer to press his lips against Edward's rougher ones, his smaller hands tangling themselves in the curly hair.

Over their time on the dancefloor, the pair had made a few trips to the bar; Edward needing to talk to Zayn, and Louis wanting shots. They both had more than they should have, but they were allowed to have some fun. The four wolves from Edward's meeting were walking around the club, occasionally walking towards the stages where the dancers were. Blaze was entertaining them as she normally did, she had recognized the men as good tippers very early on. They had been coming once a month for almost two years.

"Let's get you out of here, Pup, I hate that people can smell you," Edward said against Louis' lips, "come with me". The Alpha let his omega slowly unwrap his arms from around the older man's neck before his large hand grasped Louis' right wrist, tugging him back towards the stairs. The omega stumbled at times, trying to keep up with his mate's long strides. Louis giggled as the Alpha had to help him up the stairs.

Their half-filled and a few empty glasses still littered the table from earlier in the night. Their business deal had been long done and they were alone upstairs. "Alpha" Louis looked up at the man with a lust-filled look, "need you". Edward chuckled at the small boy, his tongue coming between parted lips, leaving a glistening trail. "What, Pup? Right here? Right now?" he asked darkly as he pushed Louis against the banister at the top of the stairs, "where anyone could catch us?"

The omega whimpered, his eyes sparkling, he knew he needed his mate and at this moment he didn't care who saw or who didn't. He needed him and that's all he wanted. With a nod of his head, Edward leaned down and roughly pressed their lips together. The kiss was filled with hunger and lust, becoming more animalistic as seconds passed.

Louis' body was pressed tightly against the banister, the beam pressing into his lower back with a dull ache. The heat of the kiss numbed the slight annoying pain. With his heeled booties, Louis was closer in height to the Alpha making the kiss easier on both of them. Edward pressed his body closer to his mate, allowing the boy to feel his painfully hard cock pressed against his front. "Look what you do to me, what you do to my brothers" Edward panted against Louis' lips before he took Louis' bottom lip between his teeth. "You're so submissive, so small, and so sexy," the Alpha muttered, "delicious and perfect in every single way".

Louis didn't say anything back but was surprised when the Alpha roughly grabbed his chin. "That's not too nice of you though, Princess" the man taunted, "when someone compliments you, you're supposed to say thank you". Louis could feel more slick soaking through his panties at the words being spoken. "Tha-thank you, Alpha" he blushed when he stuttered. Edward was just too hot and it was working the omega up. "There are your manners," he cheekily grinned, "such a good Pup". "Always a good pup" Louis pointed out. "That's right, Princess".

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