15 and 16 (III)

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Shortly after the 'revelation', as he'd dubbed it, Wilbur had started writing- everything ranging from poetry, to short stories, to just random thoughts he'd have that felt too important to store only in his mind.

Sometimes, he'd show his writing to Sally, reading his stories or poems to her or writing his shorter pieces down for her to read herself.

'She's the sun and I'm the pale man craving her light,' he had written on a messily torn off piece of parchment. He pulls it out of his pocket and hands to her as they sit under the blossom tree one day, side by side on the grass, knees brushing ever so slightly.

"Who's this mystery girl you're always writing about, lover boy?" Sally smiles after staring down at the paper for a good moment.

You. Obviously. "No one, Sal, they're just words," Wilbur rolls his eyes instead of telling her the truth.

"Oh," Sally says, and it's probably just the hopeless romantic in him, but she sounds disappointed. "Well, they're beautiful."

"You think so?" Wilbur says, pleased with himself.

"Mhm. You'll make a girl very happy one day," she mumbles with a small smile, almost sad.

Wilbur almost outwardly grimaces at the thought of being with a girl other than Sally.

"Maybe," he shrugs.

"You're gonna have to get married one day, Wil," she says seriously. "To some rich, well-mannered, perfect princess."

"I'll marry whomever I want," Wilbur says. "I'll marry you, if I want."

At his words, both of them stop breathing, trying to comprehend what he just said.

"Okay," Sally says, trying to be casual, but finding it hard to do when her heart is doing a whole gymnastics routine in her chest.

"Okay?" Wilbur stares at her, taken aback and a little pink-cheeked.

"I'd marry you," Sally says quietly, looking straight ahead. "If you'd ask."

"Okay," Wilbur breathes, still staring.

"Stop staring at me," she tells him.

"Okay," Wilbur turns his head, but continues sneaking glances out of the corner of his eye as Sally does the same, a small smile blooming on his face.

"She's the sun and I'm the pale man craving her light" is a quote by Britanny C. Cherry

i'd marry her, i told her | wilbur soot - royalty!auWhere stories live. Discover now