21 and 22 (II)

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Sneaking into the castle grounds had become an everyday occurrence for her, given that she was well known by all guards and other staff.

It so happened, though, that last night was the last time she would be welcomed into the castle.

"Good morning, Charlie," she smiles at the guard standing outside the entrance she usually used everyday to enter through the kitchen. She's surprised, however, when he blocks her way with his arm.

When she gives him a confused look, he says with a pained but grim expression, "Sorry, Sally."


"You're not allowed on castle grounds anymore."

The words hit her like a heavy wagon as her heart drops to her stomach. "What?" she says faintly. "Why..."

Of course. That girl that saw her with Wilbur last night. She must have told his mother, who probably had the same ideas as Sally.

"No," she groans in frustration. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. "Look, I just need to explain it to them, Charlie, please just let me in."

The man keeps his eyes forward, his face stoic and it seems as if he doesn't hear her at all. Tubbo, coming out of the kitchens, sees the commotion and comes over in confusion.

"What's...going on?" he looks over at Sally with questioning eyes.

Sally ignores him, too caught up in the disaster that's happening. "Come on, Charlie, please, just-" she stops short when she sees Tommy walking towards them from inside. "Tommy!" she sighs in relief. Surely, he'd listen to her. "Thank God you're here. Listen, I need to talk to Wilbur-"

"We can't be friends anymore, Sally," Tommy says, not meeting her eyes as he seems to be wearing the same mask of indifference as Charlie.

Sally's throat immediately feels thick as she swallows in order to get the words past the lump in her throat. "No," she says, a crack in her voice breaking the word into two. "Tommy, no."

Tommy's Adam's Apple bobs up and down as he swallows, still refusing to look at Sally.

"Please, Tommy, you can't do this," Sally says tearfully, her vision now blurred. "Just, just let me talk to Wilbur, I swear, he'll sort this out, please-"

"Wilbur can't meet you," Tommy says, his voice scratchy. "He's been betrothed."

Sally's mouth falls open in a silent gasp as Tubbo shoots a hostile glare at Tommy, at which the blonde flinches.

Trying her best to keep it together, Sally swallows the rising bile and takes a deep breath, willing her tears not to fall over the brim.

"Oh," she says quietly, trying- forcing herself to accept it. "Is he happy, at least?"

She needs to move past it.

After a bit of hesitation, Tommy says, "Yes," still averting his gaze.

"Okay," Sally says, quickly wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands. "Okay." It isn't okay, though, Sally thinks. it's nowhere near okay. She forces a smile, but she's sure it's watery as fuck. "Give him my congratulations."

guys i'm learning about the jiggy jiggy at school 😳

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