15 and 16 (II)

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Tommy and Wilbur walk into the garden to see Sally's sprawled out on the grass under the blossom tree and, at hearing the sound of their footsteps, she cranes her neck to look at them. "Hello," she says, just as she had that first day she met them. There's one difference, though, the brothers notice. The girl's smiling impossibly wider.

"Why're you smiling so much?" Tommy asks, blunt as ever as the two walk over to her.

"I'm always smiling," she replies, still grinning ear to ear as she props herself up on her elbows. The brothers sit down cross-legged on each side of hers.

"Yeah, but something's happened," Wilbur says, the girl's excitement rubbing off on him, forcing his face into a smile as well. "What's going on?" he nudges her shoulder with his own.

"Nothing!" she laughs, flushing as she shoves him away, sitting up.

"Come on, just tell us," Tommy says, a tentative smile on his lips as well.

She groans in defeat. "Fine, fine. But you'd better not act weird about it."

"We won't," Wilbur says sincerely.

She looks back and forth between the two boys while contemplating if she should tell them.

"Tell us already!" Tommy bursts, annoyed.

"Okay, you impatient bastard," she says, shoving his shoulder playfully. "So last night, I was lying in bed, you know, contemplating the universe and what not," she starts, and her cheeks begin to color as she pointedly avoids both the princes' eyes. "And, uh, I realized that- that I have a crush," she says quietly, intensely focused on plucking blades of grass from the ground.

After a good beat of silence, Wilbur questions, "On whom?" His voice sounds devoid of any emotion.

"There's...this boy," she squeaks, face burning. Why did she tell them this? Telling literally anyone else would have been better. They were, however her best- and only- friends, so she didn't really have much of a choice.

"Yeah, but who is it?" Tommy says impatiently.

"I'm not telling you!" she bursts.

"Tell us about him, then," Wilbur says softly, a small smile on his lips as he places a gentle hand on Sally's knee.

"Um, well. He's...he's strong, and intelligent, and handsome, and funny. And he's kind to everyone, he's brave, and just...he's lovely, really," she sighs, heart clenching at the thought of him.

"Yeah, yeah, what's he look like, though?" Tommy bursts her bubble.

"I don't know, he's...attractive," she say, continuing to pull out blades of grass and getting dirt under her fingernails. "Nice hair," she shrugs.

"What color hair?" Tommy asks abruptly.

"Not blonde," she says, grimacing at him exaggeratedly.

"Thank God," he replies, scrunching his nose in a show of revulsion.

Sally scoffs as if offended. "Piss off," she tells him, something she's able to do without having her head cut off.

"Gladly," Tommy rolls his eyes, getting up. "Don't wanna have to witness all you two's lovey-dovey shit, anyways," he says mockingly, walking back inside as Sally tosses a "Fuck you" after him.

Wilbur, meanwhile, had been trying to figure out why he feels weirdly...sad? Angry? It's as if...as if he's almost-

Jealous, he realizes with a start.

Jealous of whoever Sally has a crush on. That only means-

Sally puts her head in his lap, lying down on the grass as she'd made a bit of a habit of doing. In an effort to get the invasive thoughts off his mind, Wilbur runs his fingers through her long hair, her eyes closing as he does so. He hums a melody, something Sally thinks is familiar and sweet.

Wilbur could live like this forever, he thinks. Under the blossom tree, Sally by his side, quietly in the garden. He doubts he could ever ask for more.

So, yeah. He supposes he does have a bit of a crush on Sally.

"I want a garden," Sally says quietly, and Wilbur looks down at her.

"Yeah?" he says softly.

"Yeah. One that's as pretty as this one," she tells him. "With a blossom tree, too."

Wilbur stays silent for a while. "You could have this garden," he tells her.

Sally snickers lightly, opening her emerald eyes. "Oh yeah?"

"What?" Wilbur says, offended. "If you lived in the castle, this garden could be yours."

Sally hums. "And how would that happen? Do you expect me to become the Queen here?"

Wilbur's cheeks heat up at the implications. "Forget it," he grumbles.

"Aw, Wilby," she pokes his cheek, smiling up at him.

Wilbur stares back at her, looking closely at her green eyes, speckled with spots of yellow and brown, her rosy cheeks, her full lips.

He flushes, looking away.

"What is it?" she asks him, confused at his behavior.


"C'mon, tell me," she pokes his other cheek so he's forced to face her.

Wilbur, without thinking about it, says, "I have a crush too."

"What?" Sally's eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

He curses himself for being such an idiot, staying silent as his face burns.

"Wow," Sally says, eyes still wide. "Okay."

They stay silent.

"Who is it?" she asks timidly after a moment.

"There's...this girl," Wilbur squeaks.


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