The Happily Ever After (II)

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Tommy was worried. Both for his brother and for Sally. He hated himself a little, after what he had said to Sally that morning. Well, his mother had told him to do so, and he didn't really have the option to refuse, but he still feels like a jerk.

The look on Sally's face was practically burned into his retinas, but when she smiled and pretended she was okay-- he almost wished she'd broken down instead.

More than that, though, he was worried about Wilbur. The man hadn't come out of his sleeping quarters since the previous night, when Tommy had seen him, through a drunken haze, storming up to his room after their mum yelled at him.

So, after Tommy had succeeded in shattering Sally's heart, he went to Wilbur's room.

He knocked, receiving a groan of "Piss off" in return.

"Hey, brother," Tommy opens the door, sticking his head in warily. "What's up?"

The Prince lies on his bed, face down.

"They've engaged me," Wilbur scoffs into his pillow, sounding awfully nasally.

"So I've heard," Tommy says, grimacing awkwardly. "What're you gonna do, then?"

"What do you mean?"

"About Sally?" Tommy lowers his voice.

"You- you know?" Wilbur sniffs, surprised.

"Well, I'm not fucking blind."

As much as it didn't seem like it, Tommy was perceptive, and he knew there was something going on between Sally and Wilbur, something that extended far beyond 'childhood sweethearts,' something that he knew Wilbur wished was more.

"Oh," Wilbur says, finally lifting his head up and sniffling once again. Wow, he looks terrible. Tommy would've pointed that out has he not known how badly this was affecting Wilbur. "I don't really know what I can do, really," he says sadly. "I love her," he whispers, and Tommy feels as if he's invading Wilbur's privacy by just hearing those words.

"Go get her, then, mate," Tommy says, lightly punching his brother in the shoulder.



Wilbur comes closer and takes her hand, and Sally complies, almost in a daze.

Wilbur puts his arm around her waist, determined not to let go this time. They start swaying to the rhythm of the rain beating down on the ground, the house, them.

"You look a mess, Wil," Sally brings her hand up to brush it across Wilbur's cheek, and the man leans into the touch, closing his eyes.

"As do you, my dear," he replies, putting his hand over her smaller one to keep it in place.

Sally's breath hitches when he turns his face and kisses her palm in a way that feels too- too intimate.


"Look, Sal," Wilbur sighs. "I love you."

Sally can't breathe all of a sudden, but Wilbur goes on.

"I love you, and I can't be away from you, Sal. I love you and sometimes all I think about is you. Ever since that one day you told me you'd marry me, ever since you started calling me Wil, since I saw you for the first time. I've loved you, Sal, and I still do, and I promise I always will," he gushes. "Marry me, Sal."

Holy shit.

Wilbur just proposed to her.

All of a sudden, Sally's more than grateful he's holding onto her so tight because otherwise, she would've fallen to the floor by now.

Of course I'll marry you, her brain urges her. How could I possibly say no?

"But what about-"

"Don't worry about it," Wilbur interrupts her before she can even get the words out, staring into her eyes adoringly as he tucks a strand of wet hair behind her ear. "What about us?"

Sally looks at him, and she's decided. She's known what she wanted this whole time.

She stretches up to press her lips to Wilbur's, and they meet in a chaste, wet kiss, but one that has to be the most passionate, most romantic one ever.

"I'll marry you, Wil."

not proofread, wrote this in the middle of the night with a sudden burst of creativity and my gcses in three weeks

all things considered, I'm almost proud of this one :)

i'd marry her, i told her | wilbur soot - royalty!auWhere stories live. Discover now