Soda x Reader // are those mine? // 18+

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"Are those mine?"

The question came from one Sodapop Curtis, your boyfriend. You had tripped in the rain, making everyone in the gang laugh at how clumsy you were. You'd fallen right on your ass, with your skirt flying up, making you flush red as you tried to pull it back into place.

"What?" The confused question came from Steve, who helped you stand since everyone else was to busy laughing and Soda was just staring at you in mild shock.

"My...boxers. I coulda sworn I saw them when your skirt went flying."

You blushed a deep shade of red at the question. You may have snuck a pair of Soda's boxers out of his room and were wearing them lately. You liked them, they were comfortable and airy. They also made you feel closer to your boyfriend, and you liked to wear them when you touched yourself at home.

"Boxers? Let's see!" Dally grinned and acted like he was going to grab your skirt.

You swatted Dally's hand away when he touched the edge of your skirt, "I'll break your nose Dallas Winston." You threatened, but he just smirked slyly. "Hey!" Dallas had effectively distracted you long enough for Two-Bit to sneak up behind you and flip your skirt up high enough for everyone to see.

Ponyboy and Johnny looked away quickly, their faces turning red. But the rest of the gang just gawked at the sight. You were, in fact wearing a pair of Sodapop's blue plaid boxers. Darry came to your side and put your skirt back down, hitting Two-Bit upside the head in the process. "That's enough." He grumbled.

"Why are you -?" Sodapop started but you just grabbed at his hand and cut him off.

"Let's get going, it's still raining. I'd like to get inside where it is dry." You tugged Soda's hand and forced him to start walking.

He followed you, but leaned down to whisper in your ear lowly - dangerously, it made you shivered. "I still want an answer," and then he took his hand out of yours and wrapped it around your waist.

After you arrived at the Curtis' - Dally, Two-Bit, and Steve were still teasing you until Soda made them go home. "I see. You don't want us around anymore." Two-Bit feigned hurt.

"More like he wants to get Y/N out of those boxers," Steve grinned seeing the glare you gave him.

"More like he wants to get INTO those boxers."

"Dallas!" You punched him in the chest.

He laughed, rubbing the spot, "alright. Alright. We're going." He grabbed the two other boys and pushed them to door. "You coming Johnnycakes?"

"Not with y'all. Pony and I are going to the movies."

"Yeah. We just needed to come here so I could get my money." Ponyboy said, coming out of his and Soda's bedroom. He'd changed into a dry shirt and was shoving a few bills into his jeans pocket.

"Just be back by eight. You haven't done any of your homework." Darry started.

"I will. Let's go Johnny." And like that, the full house was down to three.

"What are you gonna do?" Soda asked Darry.

"I'll watch TV. Get Dinner started around four."


Darry looked at his brother, "just keep it down and use pro -".

"Got it!" Soda stopped him before he could finish and dragged you to the bedroom.

"What? Wait!" But you didn't try to stop him. Not really. Once he got you into the bedroom, Soda hastily closed the door and then you were being slammed against the wall, his lips on yours. He lifted you up on the wall, and you wrapped your legs around his waist to keep you held up in place. "S-Soda, slow down." You gasped, already out of breath. How he could keep kissing you for so long was a mystery. And when you broke the kiss, needing to breathe, he just took to kissing behind your ear and down to your jawline.

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