My Boss Kiku - chapter 2

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I slumped back in my work chair. It had been two weeks since I started. Turns out making mangas is a lot harder then I thought. My job was to draw the drawings and help with the plot. Across from me, I could identify each different group of friends in their work. There was the group who didn't mess around and worked no matter what. This consisted of Mr Beilschmidt, who I now know as Ludwig and a friendly man called Yao.
There was also the people who did nothing but fight and annoy each other. There was a man called Francis, who would always fight with Arthur and vica-versa. There was also Arthur's brother Alfred. And also a very angry man called Lovino, who was always yelling at his poor brother Feliciano. Who I had become good friends with.
There was a scary man called Ivan, who just sat in the corner smiling at everyone. I found him very creepy.
They were all actually really friendly and I was friends with them all. - Except from Ivan. He kept insisting I "Become one with him." Creepy.
But then there was my boss. His name was Kiku and he would always come in, then just sit down and silently work until he went home. I decided I would talk to him.
I shyly walked up to him, he looked over the desk stall wall that confided him. His brown eyes were empty, but with a hint of passion for his work.
"Um, hello." I greeted.
"Konnichiwa." he replied politely.
"I was just wandering why you never talk to anyone." I chose my words carefully. He cocked his head slightly and then looked back down to his desk.
"It doesn't matter. I just prefer to work alone". He blankly stated with a thick Japanese accent. I felt bad for him to have to work alone though and I couldn't help but want to accompany him.
"Hey," I called. He looked back up. "We're about to enter lunch break and I don't wanna see you eat alone. Can I eat lunch with you?" I asked politely. His emotion didn't change as he replied.
"Gomen, but I would rather you didn't." He politely declined.
I gave up and wandered over to Feliciano.
"Hey Feli." I greeted. He smiled brightly with his closed-eye smile.
"Ciao bella!" He paused. " What's-a wrong bella? you seem-a sad." He asked.
"Nothing , it's just I can't get Kiku to like me." He instantly smiled again.
"Don't-a worry about him. He's the same-a to everyone-a." He soothed.
"That's right love," Arthur called from the corner while having Francis in a head lock. " There's no need to worry."
I sighed. " I just wish..."

(A/N) Heya guys, don't worry, Kiku isn't going to be a grumpy pants for very long.
I hope you are all liking this story so far! Love you all, KLS xx

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