My Boss Kiku - chapter 6

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As I woke to the sound of my alarm clock, I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. Eventually the sound bugged me too much so I sat up and switched it off. Three words.
I. Felt. Awful.
And not just mentally for rejecting Kiku - but physically too. I was ill.
I called into work to tell them I was taking the day off and they blew a fuse. They told me that this was the busiest week so I was really getting on their last nerve.
I wrapped my duvet around me and staggered into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. As I was filling the cup, there was a knock on the door. With all my might, I yanked open the now very heavy door. And to my utter surprise, Arthur was there with some soup.
"Hello love," he greeted. "I bought you some soup."
I thanked him, took the soup and he left for work. I was sort of hoping that it was Kiku, but he would be too busy for work to visit me-" ding dong.
Never mind, apparently my apartment is now a tourist attraction.
I opened the door again and my hopes were granted as Kiku in his suit, stood at the door with a worried expression etched across his face.
"Hello (Y/N)," he also greeted. "I heard you were ill" I nodded weakly and gestured him to come in. He sat down in a chair while I lay down on the sofa.
"Can I make you some soup?" He offered.
"Yes please Kiku that would be great thanks. I replied meekly. I watched as Kiku made his way around my kitchen. He took the soup Arthur gave me and skilfully transformed it into a delicious cup of chicken soup. He made his way towards the couch and handed it to me.
"Thanks." I drank it, savouring the taste. I looked up to see Kiku staring at me.
"Is there soup on my face or something?" I finally asked. He jerked his head and it seemed he snapped back to reality.
"Oh, no - wait, yes there is. B-But I hadn't noticed until now." He stuttered.
"Okay, where is it?" I asked. He pointed on his own cheek and I tried to mimic. Missing, he chuckled and reached out his hand to my face and wiped it off himself.
I could feel myself becoming a blushing mess, but maybe he couldn't tell since I already had a fever.
"Are you ok? Is your temperature rising?" He asked, concerned. I shook my head.
"N-No, I'm o-okay." I replied. It suddenly struck me that Kiku should be in work.
"Hey, aren't you supposed to be working?" I asked suddenly. He smiled.
"I also took time off work," he looked down."so I could take care of you." I smiled.
"Oh but wait, with both of us off then that's them two people down when they need us." I realised.
"Well then we'll both have to apologise tomorrow." He said, smirking slightly. I don't think I had ever seem Kiku smirk before, It looked a bit strange on him, but maybe it was because I was becoming closer and closer to Kiku.
I don't know why, but when I say that to myself; I get a warm feeling that makes me want Kiku even closer but I don't know why...

(A/N) heyo, so um sorry I haven't been writing for the past few days, I was away and didn't have enough time to let the story flow - that and no computer =_='
So anywayyysss, I think (Y/N) is starting to realise something, maybe it's her true feelings toward Kiku, or maybe that her fever is really getting to her head...
Who knows????
So to finish, I love you all and thanks so much for the support, especially AngelPuffTheBro! Thanks sooo much!
KLS xx

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