My Boss Kiku - Chapter 4

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Work. Work. Work.
That's all it's been for the past week. First the editor's wife gave birth so he was off for ages, and secondly I haven't had any progress with Kiku! Why doesn't he like me? Everybody likes me... Right?

I slumped back in my chair to take a breather. As usual, everyone was slacking off and expected me to pull their weight. I stood up to go and get a coffee but I bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed. I looked up and saw that it was - of all people - Kiku. He looked into my eyes and his flashed a sign of embarrassment.
"I-I-It's alright, I wasn't looking where I was going." He bowed his head in apology and when he straightened up, I saw what was just the end of a massive blush.
"No, no. I'm also to blame." I said. "Look, I'm about to go and buy a coffee so let me buy you one aswell."
He shook his head.
"No! I will buy you one." He was blushing again and wasn't even trying to hide it.
"O-Ok, thanks." I admitted defeat and as we walked off to the cafeteria, I wandered if this was the start of Kiku's warm side.

I was right. Now, me and kiku have regular conversations. Well, they are all very short but it's progress and I also see him a lot out of work. Turns out he lives on the same floor of flats as me!
I arrived in my flat when I heard talking from Arthur's flat. That's unusual, Arthur doesn't have anyone living with him and doesn't really do guests.
Out of curiosity, I walked up to his door and put my ear to it...

"Hahaha! Oh Kiku you wanker, your *hic* hilarious! So, what you you *hic* think of (Y/N)? I've noticed you getting friendly with her."
"Oh, (Y/N)? Yeah she's *hic* great, but *hic* I think I.........

I stopped listening because I was scared of what he thought of me, but I wish I had listened a bit more.
I returned to my flat for the rest of the evening. - or so I thought.
Suddenly there was a thump as Arthur's front door opened. I ran out to see Kiku who seemed very drunk, doing a kind of dance to get out the door. I rushed over to him to help.
"Kiku! Are you OK? Do you need help getting to your flat?" I offered. He gave a small nod and I hoisted his arm over my shoulder.
"Which number is it again?" I couldn't remember it even though I had seen him walk out lots of times. He murmured something that was only just audible and we set off.

When we got there, he gave me his keys so I could open the door. We stepped inside and I rolled him onto the couch.
It was just then that I realised his walls were covered with paintings and drawings.
"Wow! Kiku these are amazing! Did you do these?" Over from the lump on the couch, Kiku gave a small nod.
I thought I would have a quick look before I went so I scanned the walls, but something caught me eye.
"Kiku? Is this..." I didn't even need to ask because it was so perfectly drawn.
He had a box full of the same drawings. And they were all of me.

Heya guys ~ whadd'ya think?
I wonder why Kiku is drawing (Y/N)? Well sorry to be evil but you have to wait till next timee~ 
Love you all and thanks for the reads and votes! Means loads to mee

KLS xx

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