My Boss Kiku - chapter 9

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The following Monday, Kiku and I decided to walk to work together. So we set out, hand in hand.
It kind of felt like a dream, like a prince just swept me off my feet and whisked me away to a castle. But I was content with Kiku whisking me away to work because this is reality.

When we got to work, everybody was looking at us and a few even came over and patted Kiku on the back. What the hell was going on!?
Kiku wh-" I started.
"I have no idea (Y/N)" he simply stated. I blinked and we parted to get to our desks. Across the table, Feli was smiling smugly at me.
"Feli, can you stop that it's scaring me." I informed.
"No can do-a bella, not until you ask what I did."
"Oh, um. What did you do?" I asked, confused.
"I told everyone about-a you-a and Kiku." He stated. I blinked for the second time.
"Well how did you know?"
"You texted me on Friday." Great, wonderful. I must have texted Feli in my happy craze the other night.
I looked over at Kiku, and sure enough, people were going up to him and congratulating him. I guess it's not normal for Kiku to be with someone. I suppose he was very quiet.

When lunch break came, Kiku shuffled shyly over to me.
"Hey Kiku what's up?" I asked casually. He was blushing hard.
"Um, (Y/N). C-Can you come over to mine after work? I'd like to ask you something." I stuttered.
"Uh, sure." I replied. What could he want to ask? He's already asked me out.

After work, I walked back with Kiku as always. But this time, I went back to his house. We got in, and sat down next to each other.
"So what was it that you wanted to ask me?" I asked. He started to blush again.
"I-I. U-Um. I wanted to ask you if I could k-kiss you. My eyes widened in shock. This is one of the most bravest things that Kiku has said. I blushed.
"U-Um..." I stuttered.
"It's ok if you don't want me to." He said. I shook my head.
"T-That's not true. I was just shocked." I looked down. "I would like that." I blushed harder. Kiku's eyes widened slightly as he lifted up my chin with his hand. It was soft and gentle.
Still blushing, he leaned in closer and he brought his face to mine, closing the gap. I couldn't believe it.
Kiku was kissing me. It only lasted a few seconds as he pulled away slowly. He gazed into my eyes and smiled softly. Resting his forehead on mine.
My heart was fluttering and my thoughts were flying.
So this is what it's like to be in love.

Heyaaa~ sooory for the wait and that this chapter is so shortt!!
But I'm getting writers block (have actually) and I realllyy need suggestions so please guys help!
This note is also short so that's all.
love you all,
KLS xx

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