My Boss Kiku - chapter 5

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(A/N): (Y/A) is your age.

The next day in the office I was trying my best to avoid Kiku due to awkwardness, but I guess the universe was just in the mood to be naughty.
I was in the middle of a drawing, when Kiku walked over to me with his hands behind his back.
"Hello (Y/N), it's lunch now, why are you not stopping?" He asked so innocently, probably unaware of what I saw last evening.
"Oh," I did realise, I just didn't want to eat with him and say the wrong thing. "I wanna get this drawing done." Lies.
"It's very good." He complimented.
"I'm sure yours are better." More lies, I know yours are better.
"Anyway, what's behind your back?" I wondered.
"Oh. I forgot." He shot his arms out in front of me while holding a wrapped gift. "Happy birthday." He said with little emotion, but I sensed that this meant a lot to hi- wait birthday? Oh, my, God. I forgot my own birthday!
"Thank you so much! You're the only one who remembered. Including me!" I half joked-half thanked. He gave a short laugh and smiled.
"Are you going to open it?" Oh yeah, the gift.
"Sure." I carefully unwrapped the cherry blossom paper to reveal a box branded with a familiar brand.
I opened the box and gasped. Inside, was a beautiful music note necklace.
"Oh, Kiku it's beautiful I love it!" I went to hug him but remembered his no touchy touchy rule.
"It's ok, you can hug me." He allowed. I grinned and flung my arms around him. He lightly hugged back for a second, then completely. Dawww, he's so cute I can't be awkward around him anymore!

Over the day, I got one or two more greetings for my birthday, mainly every five minutes from Feli.
"Hey bella, guess what-a?" He nagged.
"What?" I replied, bored of this game.
"It's your birthday! Happy (Y/A) (if your not over 18 -like me- then just pretend you are!) birthday!"
"Yes, happy birthday to me! Whoo!" I replied sarcastically. I love Feli (as a friend you meanies), but sometimes he can be a bit too much. I decided to go and talk to someone else.
I wondered around, thinking about who to talk to. Just as I walked over to Francis, Arthur jumped him and started yelling. Maybe that was the universe saying "look, I hate you but I don't want to have to deal with you getting harassed by a pervert." I shuddered, thanks universe.
I happened to walk past Ivan's corner of doom, and as I did I could feel his violet eyes staring into my soul. I glanced at him and confirmed my suspicions. He gave me his closed-eyes smile and continued to glance around the room. They should really put up a sign saying "beware the absolute pshyco, he will creep you out." Seriously, I'm just saying...

The clock struck (whatever time you finish, let's say eight.) eight o'clock and everyone started to go home. I gathered my stuff and headed out the building. On the way, I stopped by the convenience store to buy Kiku a thank-you card. It was the least I could do, so I bought it; went home, then I went to post it under his door. Not wanting to knock and see inside his flat again. As I got to his door, it suddenly opened and a sleepy Kiku stepped out in a blue kimono.
"kon'nichiwa (Y/N)," he greeted. "What can I help you with?" 

"Oh, I just came to post you a thank-you card for my present, but since your here I'll give it to you in person." I handed him the card then turned to leave.
"Do you want to come in for some tea?" He offered. Shoot, I really wanted to but I also didn't want to bring back memories.
"Um, thanks but no thanks. I've got stuff to do." I declined, then hurried off to leave a disappointed Kiku behind.

(A/N) whew, this took a while to write. My fingers hurt from typing T^T
Silly little Y/N can't put off seeing his house forever!
Anyway, I realised I talked about the universe being a butt quite a lot, stupid universe!
Also, one last thing; I'm thinking about stopping writing accents for the characters because it's too much hassle. What do you guys think? Please let me knowww ~
Anyway, love you all and this is a really long note byee
KLS xx

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