My Boss Kiku - chapter 1

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As you walked down the street of New York, your red heels clacked on the pavement. People gave you strange looks, as if they knew you were from England just by looking at you.
You pulled out your map and looked around. The building you were having your job interview at was just around the corner. Up on a billboard, the time was displayed brightly for all to see. You had five minutes to get there, you dashed inside the building an sat down to wait.

*your P.O.V*
"(Y/N)?" A secretary pokes her head outside a doorway. "You can come in now."
I smiled and made my way towards the conference room. When I got in, the room was very plain and there was a man with slick back blonde hair and icy blue eyes sat in a chair in front of me.
"Hello, you must be (Y/N)." He greeted with a thick German accent.

"Yes. And you are?" I replied formally.

"You can call me Mr. Beilschmidt." He informed. "So (Y/N), why do you want this job?"

"Well, I always loved writing stories and drawing manga, so I figured a job in manga comics was best. I have had my eye on this company since I moved here, and would love to be given the opportunity to bring my ideas to the table." The German interviewer leaned back in his chair and hummed.

 "Okay," he started, flicking through my cv "your cv states that you previously worked in the UK as an editing assistant. What made you come to America?". My brain gears sparked as I began to recall my story in brief to him, "Well, it was always a dream to move to America and pursue my job further. I wanted to get enough experience back home before trying my luck in the wider field of editing jobs in America."

The collected man across from me smiled slightly, "Alright thank you miss (L/N). We will contact you soon once we've seen our other applicants." 

"Danke schön" I thanked him in the little German I knew, got up and left.

Only three days later I received a call. Having only just gotten out of the shower, I nearly missed it - but caught it just in time.

"Hello, is this (Y/N)?" the familiar stoic voice in my ear began. After confirming to his question, he progressed on to say "I am glad to inform you that you will be working with us from now. Your first shift shall be on Monday at 9:00, is that okay?"

"Yes, that's fine. Thank you very much for this opportunity! Looking forward to working there." I giddily replied. I could sense his slight smile through the phone.

"Wonderful, see you then (Y/N)." Shortly after, he hung up.

I danced and jumped for joy. I stopped when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and to my surprise, my neighbour Arthur was standing there wrapped in a towel with a pink shower cap on. He looked very angry. I noticed he was holding a tiny yellow rubber duck. 

"Um, hello Arthur. Can I help you?" I stifled a laugh. He just glared at me even more. 

"Yes." He started. "I would appreciate it if you wouldn't jump around while I'm trying to have a shower, it wobbles the shower head." He complained. I didn't see how I was supposed to know when he was having a shower. 

"May I ask why you were jumping in the first place?" He questioned. I snapped back to reality. 

"Oh, I just had received a call saying that I got the job!" I exclaimed. His glare softened. 

"Wow, what job?" He asked, intrigued. 

"I am now, working  as an editor at KawaiiStudios*!" I declaired proudly. He suddenly perked up and his eyes sparkled in a really weird anime way. Hah, as if we were in an anime! 

"Really?" He questioned. I nodded and he continued, "that's where my friends and I work!" My eyes shimmered as well. This is getting really weird. 

"Oh wow! We're gunna be working together!" I never really knew Arthur much, but now I can learn more about him and his friends. And maybe, just maybe I can meet that someone special.

*KawaiiStudios does not exist to my knowledge.

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