THIRTY-SIX ; apologies

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*strong language*




olive tapping her fingers gently on the steering well of her car. trying to distract herself from anything but her thoughts. she was debating turning around, she actually has thought about it several times, just making a u turn and going home. the conversation that clay and her tried to have last time did not end well, and because of their both strong personalities she was certain that a civil conversation between the two is rare. especially when they are already on edge with each other. 

pulling closer to the boys gated neighborhood she could hear her pulse increasing through her ears. starting to vibrate from how fast her heart was moving. she was nervous obviously, but olive really didn't want to make the already bad situation even worse. she was just confused for sure. the drunk texts and comments, yet now he is nowhere to be seen on the internet yet again. maybe he just had to gain some courage to say something, but yet again he isn't drunk now. 

sitting in her now turned off car, sat in his driveway. she was debating again for like the hundredth time turning the fuck around and never speaking to him ever again. but instead she gathered herself and got out of her car, walking herself to his large front door.

sending knocks on his door, hoping not to see clay right away. and to her luck her wish was granted as nick answered the door.

"hey sap", the girl greeting him, yet he held a confused stare. "i had no idea you were coming over" the boy informing the girl, but opening up the door further so the girl could enter the house. "clay's in his room". sapnap again informing the girl, he knew that she was here for one thing, and it obviously was not him. 

"if you guys are going to fight again let me know so i can wear some headphones", olive sent into laughter then answering the boy. "i hope we aren't going to fight, i came over here to talk but it could go south very quick". sapnap just sending her a nod of understanding and then head upstairs back to his room. 

olive walking through the too familiar house, to the too familiar room that held the too familiar boy. she again could feel her heartbeat speed up and she realized talking to nick definitely helped her calm down. yet now it was time to actually talk to the one person she was here for. 

knocking on the bedroom door, olive could hear footsteps coming towards her on the other side. that person swinging open the door and the girl was met with the piercing green orbs that she always thought of. "hey", clay let out with a sigh, a sigh of relief that she actually came. "hi" olive responded with a wide smile adorned on her face. clay opening his bedroom door more allowing the girl to walk into the room.

olive hit with a wave of familiarization, looking around the room. nothing has changed, nothing has moved. the same old room. "i don't want to fight i just want to talk" the boy softly speaking behind her. "okay, let's talk, no fighting". 

the two going and sitting next to each other on clay's bed. the two of them both waiting for someone to speak first, yet olive wasn't going to speak until clay said something. he is the one who initiated the talk, he is going to be the one who speaks first. and speak first is what he did. 

"god olive i'm so sorry. every hurtful word and every hurtful action that i have said or done towards you. you're an amazing girl, one of the most stunning, bright and hard working people i have ever met in my whole entire life. and i swear to you when i first saw you at the party months ago i knew that you were going to be a pain in my ass. but a good pain as you would never stop inspiring me and pushing me to be the best i could. and that's what you did, you never stopped being you and were never trying to be something different around me and that's what i love. the time we spent together was always my most valued time and i wouldn't want to value anything else. i'm just so sorry, and i'm so sorry that what has happened between us has effected your career and has effected your friendships because we have the same friends. i'm just so sorry for being an idiot". clay pouring his heart out to the girl, his head in his hands as he didn't want olive to see the tears starting to well up in his eyes. 

as clay continued to talk, let out everything that he has felt the past weeks away from olive and from everyone else, olive couldn't help but want to kiss the boy. of course she had the hunger to kiss him for weeks now, but she wanted to kiss him now as a sense of understanding and a sense of comfort. no lust just love. and love is what she felt for him, yet she was to scared to admit it. and he was also to scared to admit it. 

cutting of clay's ramble, olive collided their lips together. for the first time in weeks. clay first taken off guard but then melted into the familiar kiss. pulling away olive met his eyes, "clay it's okay, we both made mistakes and we both reacted largely and we were both to big headed to think we were wrong".

clay pulling the girl into another kiss, yet this one more desperate than the last, clay had been needing this and now he finally had it.

pushing clay away from herself, eyeing him up and down before saying, "why don't i make it up to you", a smirk present on olive's face as she met clay's eyes. 

authors note:)

smut next chapter ;)

also happy thanksgiving to those who 
celebrate!! i hope you all have an amazing day and 
i want you all to know whether you celebrate or not that 
i am thankful for all of you and also 

have a great day <3 

next chapter will prob be out tmr!!

- d4ygirl :)

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