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"eun, wait up!" mark called out to the girl as he caught up to her in the hallway

it had been 2 days ever since renjun and minsu announced they were official and the news had spread around the whole college, disappointing a few people who secretly admired either one of the two

2 days since eunha had started to spend her lunch times in the library again and 2 days since minsu had taken her usual spot on their lunch table and in homeroom, next to renjun

"yeah, mark?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.
"can we talk? not here but like.. in the music room? me, you and hyuck?" he asked, panting since he had ran all the way to catch eunha

she sighed, "since it's my free period i guess we could"
he smiled and grabbed her wrist. again, running to one of the five music rooms in the college

donghyuck was already there, waiting for the two with his arms crossed.
"wa-.. water" mark croaked out, resting his hands on his knees and panting

"who told you to run?" hyuck chuckled at the older and passed him a water bottle, then he turned to eunha.

"listen, eun. I'll get straight to the point. are you avoiding us?" he asked, gaze totally different now and his aura had become much more serious

"whaaaat? no!" she awkwardly chuckled, "why would i... why would i avoid you guys, haha.. ha"
"eunha, please be honest with us. we might not be as close to you as renjun is but we're still friends" mark pleaded, pouting

she sighed, giving in, "fine.. i am. but it's not you guys I'm avoiding. it's-"
"renjun" donghyuck completed her sentence.
"re- wait how'd you know?"

"dude you look at him with heart eyes all the time! and you seemed so disappointed when he said he had a crush and stuff. it was so obvious!" mark exclaimed, "but don't worry, renjun doesn't know because he's oblivious as fuck"

"so.. the rest of the guys noticed, too?" she asked slowly and carefully as if what she was saying would hurt someone

donghyuck nodded in response, "eun, we know it hurts but you can't just push him away. doing that would hurt you even more. we don't want that."
mark nodded, agreeing with the younger, "and if I'm being honest, I'd prefer you as renjun's girlfriend. minsu's nice and all but she's a little off.. i think she's using him for social status"

"oh cmon, mark. minsu seems like a good person, she wouldn't do that.. besides, she makes him happy and.. well, she's what renjun wants.. shouldn't we support them?" eunha said.

"tch.. yeah let's start by stop avoiding him" Donghyuck rolled his eyes


"finally! i was so tired of delivering snacks to you in the library!" haein huffed and hit eunha's arm when she sat next to her in the cafeteria

"ouch- okay, sorry! I'll do it myself next time" eunha murmured, rubbing her arm where she had been hit

"did you even eat those snacks- or anything? you look really weak" jeno asked with an eyebrow raised
"only the ones i liked" she sheepishly smiled

"cmon, eun, you can't starve yourself like that! you gotta eat" renjun persuaded, "you'll die if you don't"

"I'll die anyway so..."
"i mean.. she's got a point"
"don't encourage her, jisung!"

"guys, eunha knows what's best for her. I'm pretty sure she eats well at home" minsu stopped renjun from scolding the girl and turned to eunha who shrugged

"if ramen counts"
"dude its been a while since i ate ramen" mark said
"how can you survive without eating it everyday?" haein asked
"that's much healthier though. not eating it everyday, i mean" jaemin joined
"yeah but you can't be Korean if you don't have it everyday. it's like a law"
"shut up, chenle. you aren't even korean"
"well, you can't be ASIAN if you do not eat ramen everyday, what about that jisung?" chenle corrected himself and smirked
"no, that's wrong, you can't be Asian if your mum hasn't hit you with a slipper or a wooden spoon" donghyuck added

and so, lunch was pretty chaotic. but that's everyday's talk. it was now astronomy for eunha and she sat in her seat, listening to the lecture attentively.
that was until her professor's phone rang and he panicked while attending the call

"uh, you guys are dismissed for today. my wife's in labor- also can you guys hope its a girl? we didn't have a gender reve-"
"sir, your wife must be waiting"
"oh yes, right. thanks, sooyoung. anyways, bye guys!" he said, rushing out of the class.

eunha smiled to herself when she remembered that it was her last class and she was now free for the day. she walked out and was met with chenle and jisung both bickering in the hallway

"woah woah woah, what are you kids doing not in class?"
"I wanted to pee then ultimately decided to skip, it was my last lecture anyway" chenle shrugged and eunha shook her head and turned to jisung
"and you?"

"i saw chenle outside so i decided to join him" he sheepishly smiled, "what about you, noona?"
"my professor is becoming a dad"
"oh, he's pregnant! congratulations to him!"
"no, chenle that's not how-"
"how did he get pregnant in the middle of a lecture?"
"i don't know, man. biology is confusing"

i feel like this book is me hating on biology through my characters but eh idc bc it does suck 🤢

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