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"good morning," renjun greeted as he entered the kitchen while stretching his limbs

"morning" eunha's greeting was short and she looked really tired
"was i a hassle last night?" the boy asked, noticing how she yawned continously

she stopped what she was doing and turned to look him straight in the eye, "you were asleep the whole night, why would you ask?"
he hummed, "you just look tired"
"i couldn't sleep very well last night, thats why"
"yeah, i need to change the guest room's mattress"

they fell into a silence as the girl continued to cook. renjun was relieved that he hadn't done anything weird or bad last night. he knew how clingy he got when he was drunk and he was thankful for eunha for putting up with it.

he looked over at her as she cooked and a feeling of warmth filled his chest and the corners of his lips uplifted into a smile. she always had his back. he trusted her so much. she always gave him good advice. her intentions with their friendship were so pure, it made the boy feel really lucky.

not everyone ends up with friends like eunha. her future significant other would be so lucky-

why was he thinking about that? and more importantly why was he feeling uncomfortable about the thought of eunha dating someone?

"why are you staring at me?"

eunha sighed, setting the plate infront of him, "you were staring at me"
"oh.. you're just cute" he said and smiled at the girl who shook her head,

"wha- you don't think you're cute?!"
"i know im cute. it's just weird coming from you"
"because you mostly don't compliment my naturally beautiful face" she said, flipping her hair and the boy shook his head andbegan to eat his breakfast, forced to listen to eunha as she rambled on about how good she looked all the time and renjun never noticed.


"renjun- no not there!"
"where else, then?!"
"dude i don't know, figure it out yourself- why are you so fast?"
"because that's the point?"

ah yes. playing racing games with your hungover best friend while it rains outside. yells of frustration, celebrations and desperations filled the apartment and renjun wouldn't be surprised if the moody lady next dooe would come and complain about how loud this generation is.

eunha didn't understand how renjun was still in 1st place even after he kept on going in the wrong direction in the game. she never got 1 win in the 9 times they played so she begged him to turn it off

"you know what eun? i have something i found and i wanted to look through it with you" the boy said and got up and inside his room. a minute or two later, he came back with a scrapbook in his hands and eunha gasped when she recognized it

"oh my god, we haven't continued thus ever since we started college! we should really update it" she said, taking the scarpbook from his hands once he sat back down next to her and agreed

it was a simple yellow scrapbook with the words, "the adventures of eun-jun" written on the cover in red paint and both their handprints adorned the cover.

"remember this?" he said, pointing to the first picture taped on the scrapbook and she chuckled at the memory.

the picture was of 10 year old eunha petting a stray cat and renjun kept his distance from the cat as it had just scratched it.

"oh my god, its the markhyuck wedding picture" she laughed at the picture of donghyuck in one of eunha's white dresses and mark in a 'tuxedo' (it was just a black shirt and pants)
"all i remember is that hyuck tore your dress and you cried a lot"
"hey, it was my favorite one! and i didn't even know that jungwoo was in on it and gave my dress to you!"
"remember we created a fake marriage document as well?"

the two continued to look through the different photos and messages to their future selves until they reached the last page. that was when renjun went back into his room and came back with his polariod and a few colorful markers and pens

"let's continue with this!" he beamed and sat next to eunha again, writing the words, "part two: eun-jun's adventures at college"

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