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it felt empty. the world around him felt empty. he felt empty. all of his happiness snatched away from him in an instance. what was left of him? he couldn't find any motivation to keep himself going.

it was just one week. he had never felt so content, never before that one week. and he had never been so broken.

time is a funny thing. you don't know what awaits you in the next second. for all you know, you're satisfied with yourself for a second and the next, it's being taken away from you. its slipping through your fingers and you have no choice but to let go.

the worst part was he couldn't do that. he couldn't let go. no matter how hard he tried. all that seemed to be taking over his mind was the question, "why?"

strange question, really. it's intriguing how we need to question the reason of a thing's existence with the question, "why?" how we question the situation when we're heartbroken with, "why?" how we don't accept the reality and keep asking ourselves, "why?"

it's a strange question. but it keeps us alive. it gives us reason. it makes us think and to think is to be alive (zenni: guys i just referenced a twenty one pilots song omg)


he looked up from the ground and met eyes with the person who had always brought him comfort. immediately, a sense of relief spread across his chest and he crashed himself into her arms.

"are you okay? you look like shit- wait did you cry?! oh my god, junnie what's up? is something wrong- what am i saying something is wrong! god uh okay okay, uh... uh.. should um.." eunha rambled while patting the boy's back as she thought of things to cheer him up.

that's the thing about her. she never asked you to tell her about what was wrong. she uplifted your mood first and when you were comfortable enough to talk about it, she'd listen. renjun was so grateful for that.

"it's okay, eun.. im okay.. can we," he sighed before pulling away from the hug and locking eyes with the panicking girl, "can we go home?"

it was a predictable question. i mean, would you vent to your best friend in the middle of the sidewalk?

"sure, I'll call jungwoo and let him know you're coming over. and you're staying the night because i said so." she smiled at him and whipped out her phone


eunha made sure renjun was a little less upset than before before she went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks for herself and renjun

"oh hi, jaehyun" she smiled at the older male. him and jungwoo were long term friends and he was more like her older brother, except that he annoyed her more but she didn't mind.

"wow, you haven't grown a centimeter since i last saw you" he remarked and she rolled her eyes with a smile on her face

"i thought you were bringing renjun over?" jungwoo asked
"he's in my room, I'm here for some snacks- oh! gummy bears!" she happily exclaimed and reached into the plastic bag placed on the kitchen counter

"we just bought some ice cream as well." her brother informed and she hummed in delight
"i have never loved you more, jungwoo"
"hey what about me?"
"what about you, jaehyun?"

the older male pouted and faked a cry, "my little sister doesn't love me"
jungwoo gasped, "hey, she's my little sister!"

eunha took this opportunity as the two boys bickered and grabbed as many snacks as she could before she dashed off in the direction of her room. she was all out of breath when she entered the room and rested her back against the wall to catch it. renjun shot her a questioning look but shrugged it off

"there's gummy bears and sour candy both oh and some nice chips." she said approaching her bed and setting down the sweets and snacks

renjun sent her a grateful smile and patted the space next to him on the bed, "come on, I'll tell you what happened"

she took his invitation and listened closely as he began, "eunha.. me and minsu broke up- well more like she called it quits because she was dared to accept whoever confesses to her and stuff and i.. i don't know. it was just one week.. i was beginning to think i was falling in love with her. she just played me like that and.. i don't know, i can't even cry. I'm so disappointed with myself for falling in love with her. i should've known better. there were so many signs but i was too blind to notice them. eunha, I'm so annoyed at myself"

eunha softly smiled and him and brought him into a big hug and swayed their bodies from left to right as she rubbed circles on his back, "it's okay renjun. we all fall for the wrong people and we're too foolish, too selfish to notice they don't feel the same. and yet just for an ounce of happiness, we hold on to them because we believe if we let them go, they won't come back. it's hard to move on, i know. but its even harder to let go. it was your first time dating, you had no experience with love. treat minsu as an experience, a lesson. learn from her and keep her in your memory as the past. "

"we make mistakes and we learn from them, grow from them. these mistakes.. we'll look back at them one day and be thankful for them for teaching us valuable life lessons. don't beat yourself up for it, jun. we're only so young. we've got so much of the world to see, so many people to encounter and learn from. its all a part of life"

i never knew i could write a scene like that wow im proud of this.

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