Chapter 1

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Draco had gone through his inheritance early, and seeing how he was given everything he could ever need and most of what he wants, that meant that his mate was the one who needed help. Contrary to how many muggles thought mates worked, your mate wasn't necessarily someone you would fall in love with, or have an intimate relationship with, it's the person that the people involved's magic decides is the best fit for what's needed. Draco could feel that the role he needed to provide was protector.

He was getting onto the Hogwarts Express after having left his parents. Assuring them that he wouldn't immediately reveal his inheritance, which would have caused them all problems. He had noticed two red heads helping a small person whose hair was honestly atrocious get their things onto the train a short while ago. The smaller person can't really think that's a reasonable hairstyle, right? Their head was completely shaved except for their fringe that covered their forehead and fell into their eyes.

Draco was looking for an empty compartment when he felt a pull to one that was empty except for a person with very messy black hair who was resting their head on the window and holding a snowy owl close to them very gently, as though scared to hurt it. Draco took note of the dark bags under their eyes, as well as how they didn't even look nearly old enough to attend Hogwarts, looking more like they were six.

The person had no response to Draco entering, although their owl did keep her eyes on him and let out a soft hoot. The bird seemed very protective of the child, perhaps she saw them as her child, it happened sometimes when bad sellers sell birds that had recently lain their eggs to younger people. It was clear to Draco the child was asleep.

Although he had, unfortunately, been expecting it because of the pull to them, the child was not collected by any parents or siblings before the train started moving, meaning they were, in fact, 11 and attending Hogwarts themself.

It was gone lunch by the time the child woke up. Draco had to work hard to stop himself from gasping at how green the child's eyes were. They were rather pale for their skin tone, as though they didn't get much sunlight, or were scared or shocked, their black hair doing little but making them look less healthy, but their eyes were bright, almost like the only living part of them.

When they settled on Draco the child jumped slightly, immediately standing up, owl still in their arms and headed towards the door.

"Sorry, I didn't realise you were here." They mumbled quietly, struggling a little with the door. "I'll just go."

"It's fine, stay. You were here first. Besides, I doubt there are any compartments left." Draco said, laughing a little.

"Ah. Sorry." The child mumbled, sitting back down, their owl grooming their hair a little, making them pull a strand from towards the back of their head into their view. "Oh, it grew back."

Deciding to ignore the last comment, Draco tried to start a conversation going. "I'm Draco Malfoy, you are?"

"My letter said Harry, but Mr Vernon and Mrs Petunia call me Freak." They mumbled into their owl's face, making Draco worry.

"Why do they call you that?" Draco asked, a little concerned.

"Weird things happen around me a lot, I'm always getting in trouble and I can never do my chores right." Harry said, with a small shrug, sounding disinterested.

"I'm a boy, what about you?" Draco asked, making a mental note about what Harry had just said.

"Boy." Harry said quietly.

Draco nodded, staying quiet for a while, hoping that Harry would initiate some conversation, but it was quiet now he wasn't asking anything. Looking up at him, Harry seemed to be nodding off slightly again, but he seemed to be trying to stay awake.

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