Chapter 9

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Draco and Ron visited Harry every day, Draco bringing Hedwig with him most times. It seemed that the two of them still disliked each other, but neither were willing to give up their time with Harry to avoid the other, so they stayed as they were.

Harry seemed to be brightening up to them, and Remus too. It may have only been 3 days, but Harry was already starting to ask questions, though only small ones. It was a start though.

"Harry," Remus called to the boy as the evening came. "It's time for us to go."

Harry took Remus' outstretched hand, the two of them walking through the castle, simple charms on them to make people struggle to notice them. It wasn't very complex and were easy to break, but nobody would be trying to, so it didn't matter.

"Where are we going?" Harry pulled closer to Remus as they stepped outside, his clothes thin and the cold night air sweeping through him, making him feel chilled to the bone.

"To the Shrieking Shack, it's where we will need to go for full moons unless we can find somewhere better. This time, though, there's no chance of us being anywhere else as we only have me who will be bigger than your wolf." Remus explained, knowing that while Harry was now comfortable enough for them to hold hands, he would not be comfortable if Remus carried him to keep him warm. "Do you want my jumper?"

"I'm okay." Harry rejected the offer, but Remus draped it over his shoulders anyway. Harry had been trembling from the cold, it's not like Harry was dressed for the weather.

"No need to worry about it, I was already wearing it for a full moon, I know it might well be destroyed." Remus tried to reassure Harry, only for the boy to let go of his hand and looked panicked, taking it off his shoulders.

"It's going to get destroyed? I promise I won't ruin it." Harry was already folding it up to put away, clearly valuing the jumper of his own health. Though the mental and physical state he was in meant his disregard for self was hardly surprising.

"Really, it's alright for it to be a bit ripped. You're much smaller than me so your transformation might not even damage it, but as I was wearing it, it was always going to be. Wear it and keep warm." Remus ruffled Harry's hair gently, causing Harry to still and look up at him with large eyes, the green more vibrant than even the plants around them.

Harry looked back down again quickly, not saying anything and putting the jumper on properly. His cheeks were a little flushed at the affectionate touch he was still far from used to. It had been a strange few days for him.


Remus was honestly worried about Harry with this full moon. He hadn't had most of the healing he needed, much longer spells needed to form a basis for the healing at first. This full moon could undo everything that had been done for him already. Remus hoped he would be able to stop most of Harry's injuries, but that didn't mean he would be alright, Remus would need to be in the Hospital Wing for at least a day after every full moon even with Sirius and James to keep him in check.

Sitting on the bed, Remus took the final dose of Wolfsbane potion for this full moon, Harry looking around the bedroom, though not touching anything.

"It'll be about an hour before the moon rises. If possible you should try to get some sleep, because you won't be getting much if any tonight." Remus gestured to the moth bitten, scratched bed, which looked as though it had faded blood stains on it.

Harry came over as he was told, but he couldn't go to sleep. He was scared, he had never gone through this before, and Remus was only making him feel more scared about it than he was already. Sure, Harry was used to pain, but he was still not a fan of it.


Draco was just about to fall asleep, grumpy as he was unable to see Harry that evening, though neither could Ron which was something, when he suddenly snapped awake. His magic was sizzling in the air and he had immediately changed into his inherited form, the silvery wings that seemed to be between those of a veela and a dragon open and ready to catch flight. Lucius had managed to arrange it so that Draco had a room to himself, though Snape had set up charms that locked it at lights out until early morning.

Something was wrong with Harry, he needed help right now, but Draco wasn't able to get to him. He wasn't going to be able to get to the surface of the lake if he opened the window and tried to swim, not to mention the veela adversity to getting the wings wet, and his stuff would all be ruined from the dirty lake water. The door was locked and he didn't have powerful enough magic to break through it, and his fireplace was too small for him to use to leave the room either, leaving him and his magic to thrash around, desperate to find a way to get to Harry to help him as their magic was calling him to do.


The pain was almost the worst Harry had ever experienced, silent screams dying in his throat with his mouth open wide, saliva dribbling from his lips. He was blinded from the pain, every fibre of his being rewritten into that of a werewolf. Harry was already small, but he felt like he was shrinking, the pain draining him.

Finally, after what felt like hours but was more like a minute, Harry's transformation was finished.

Unlike Remus, who was much larger than his human form when in wolf form, with long, lanky limbs and fur that was smooth and perfectly lined up with his body though coarse, Harry was small. He was larger than one, but in looks it was like a pomeranian. He was about the size of an Australian Shepard.

The fatigue of both the transformation itself and the pain it caused combined with the potions he had been taking in the Hospital Wing took its toll on Harry. Even though he was experiencing the same bloodlust that all werewolves had while transformed without the Wolfsbane potion, he didn't have the energy to do anything, not even having managed to nap during the evening, flopping on the floor, not yet properly asleep, but not quite awake.

Remus lay down next to Harry, Harry feebly swiping at Remus as he continued to lie still, but Remus didn't mind. He guessed this was the best possible transformation Harry could have had for his first, perhaps even better than when he would be taking the Wolfsbane potion if he did manage to fall asleep.

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