Chapter 7

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Harry had been stirring slightly for the past few minutes, making pained noises and moving slightly, before settling down again, only to repeat the same thing a little while later. Mme Pomfrey was busy in the main room and having already asked the house elves to bring Harry's lunch, making it something light and gentle on his stomach. Remus was preparing Harry's potions he would need to take before he ate his lunch.

"Where's Harry?" Ron asked after running through the doors, pushing them open with so much force that the doors bounced off the walls, some of the paint on the wall chipping off.

"Mr Weasley-" Mme Pomfrey said loudly, her hands on her hips as she turned towards the door, her disapproval of Ron's actions very visible on her face.

"Is Harry okay? He's still here, right?" Draco asked, sweeping in, his actions similar to Snape's which was odd considering how little he knew the man.

"Harry is in a private room, he hasn't woken up yet and I find it hard to believe the two of you have eaten lunch yet." Mme Pomfrey said, moving away from one of the three students who had been involved in an incident in Potions lessons and into the centre of the room.

"Can't we eat here? Harry will be." Ron tried to argue.

"Harry will be eating here because he is a patient, you two aren't, and may well be eating food that Harry can't and it can easily cause problems. Go eat and come back if you have time after you've finished before your next lesson." Mme Pomfrey said, pushing both boys back out of the room.

"I have a right to see him!" Draco demanded as he was being pushed out with Ron.

"But before that he has the right to be healed, and you two need to eat. He isn't even awake yet, let him rest." Mme Pomfrey said, before closing the doors on the two indignant first years.

"Is everything alright?" Remus asked, walking into the main room and noticing Mme Pomfrey's sigh.

"Everything's fine, just two first years that act like your little group. Do you need anything?" Mme Pomfrey said, smiling kindly at him, her eyes light to show that while she was frustrated, there was no malice.

"Harry woke up." Remus said, he had already told Harry to drink the potions he had lain out.

Mme Pomfrey didn't say anything, and rushed to the back room to check on Harry, Remus standing awkwardly for a moment, waving at the students who were nursing their potions injuries, one or two of them were affected by the potion, they were all burnt, one worse than the other two. He didn't get a wave back, and Remus just sidled back to Harry where Mme Pomfrey was sitting on a chair much less comfortable than the one Remus had spent the night on, talking to Harry.

"Do you know when you got that bite? You're not in trouble, but we do need to know." Mme Pomfrey said gently to Harry, Remus was surprised to see Harry had already finished all of the potions that had been lain out for him, but he did look a little paler than he had when he had first woken up.

"Yes." Harry said quietly, chewing his lip.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Remus asked, sitting back in the chair he had been in this morning, he had already realised how poorly put together he was, but he wasn't about to go back to change now.

Harry's eyes flicked between Remus, Mme Pomfrey, and his lap, fiddling with his fingers, after Mme Pomfrey had already stopped him from fiddling with the bandage around his leg. "I didn't finish my chores so I had to spend the night outside to finish." He muttered.

"What chores were you supposed to do?" Remus asked, sitting closer to Harry, his eyes clearly concerned.

"My chores are to cook breakfast and dinner, do the dusting and get rid of spiderwebs in most of the house, make sure the books are organised, clean up any stains, make Dudley's bed, weed the garden, vacuum the carpets and mop the kitchen as well as wash everything up by hand. If there are any dirty dishes at lunch or the end of the day then I don't get to have a blanket or pillow at night. That day I didn't finish weeding the garden, and I wasn't done when they locked the doors, so I had to stay outside." Harry explained, his voice quiet, worried they would punish him when they found out he didn't finish his chores.

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