Chapter 8

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Draco was the first back to the Hospital Wing, having only grabbed a sandwich and an apple to eat on his way back and rushing out again. Ron had tried to do the same, but got grabbed by Fred and George who insisted that he ate more than just the first thing he could grab before running out again. At least not on his first day of class.

"I'm back! How's Harry?" Draco asked, out of breath as he entered the Hospital Wing again, only opening one door rather than both, and not letting it slam open.

Mme Pomfrey sighed and eyed him up and down. She knew as well as anyone else that Draco hadn't had a proper, full meal, but given his circumstances it was probably the best possible for a while.

"He's awake, but you need to be gentle with him. You hear me? Be gentle." Mme Pomfrey said sternly, hands on her hips as she tried to drill it into Draco's head as much as possible. At least for this week Harry should be treated like he was made of bone china.

"Yes, I'll be careful. Can I know what happened to him?" Draco asked, unable to stay completely still, though not going to Harry's room as he didn't know where it was.

"Good, but no, not for a long while. I'm not telling anyone else without Harry's explicit permission." Mme Pomfrey said, she was almost completely certain that meant that she wasn't going to be able to tell anyone else. Honestly she had no desire to tell Dumbledore, but she had done her job of reporting by telling Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout. It was McGonagall who dealt with pretty much everything any way. "The door's the one that will open for you."

Draco nodded and walked to the other side of the Hospital Wing, trying two doors before finally getting to the one that lead to Harry's room.

"Can I help you?" Remus asked, getting up and standing in the way of looking into the room as soon as he noticed the door opening.

"Oh, sorry, is Harry in here?" Draco asked, trying to look past Remus, but it was impossible.

"Why?" Remus asked. He wasn't about to let someone Harry didn't know, or someone Harry didn't like into the room.

"I'm the one who brought Harry here, we're friends." Draco said, bristling slightly.

"Harry?" Remus turned away from the door to look at the small boy who was still slowly eating his lunch. "You okay with..."

"Draco Malfoy"

"Malfoy coming in here to be with you? It's completely fine either way." Remus kept a close eye on Harry's face. While he was far from the most expressive person, it was still possible to read anyone's face if you knew the basics.

Harry thought for a moment over a larger nibble of the sandwich than before, before he nodded. In response Remus moved away from the door, opening it wider to let Draco in before closing the door again.

"Hey Harry, how are you feeling?" Draco asked, taking the seat Remus had vacated.

"Fine." Harry said with a small nod, going back to being nervous about his food.

"Better than yesterday?" Draco asked, 'fine' could mean a lot of things, usually 'I'm dealing with this, leave me alone.'

Harry paused again, thinking through the answer before nodding. Harry wasn't offering anything to continue the conversation, but he didn't seem uncomfortable about anything except his food.

"That's good. I'm sorry, by the way, I didn't realise you would end up staying in here for so long." Draco didn't make eye contact with Harry, rubbing the back of his head.

"It's okay. Not your fault I need to stay here." Harry mumbled, looking between Draco, Remus, and the sandwiches before every small bite, which were slowly getting larger again.

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