Chapter 10

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"How bad was it?" Mme Pomfrey didn't look at Remus, preparing for a bloody situation like she had with the man until when she was not supposed to know the changing factor.

"He's almost completely fine." Remus lay Harry back down on his bed.

"I'm Impressed, Lupin, not many can control a werewolf, even in your situation." Mme Pomfrey nodded, looking over Harry's condition, indeed, the only harm he had suffered this full moon was from the transformation itself, and scraping his knee at some point.

"It wasn't me, he was too exhausted after the transformation to do more than flop down and swing weakly. Then he just fell asleep." Remus sat beside Harry, covering his eyes, exhausted from the night prior as the Hospital Wing doors slammed open.

"Where's Harry!?" Draco yelled, the doors ricocheting off the walls after he slammed them open, the wall between his room and the common room having finally given way, as visible from the rubble in his hair.

"Malfoy," Mme Pomfrey said firmly, Draco's wings on full display and his inheritance the first thing someone would notice when seeing him.

"No! I know something happened! Where is he!?" Draco's voice was rather shrill and his magic was swirling.

"He is fine, Mr Malfoy. I will not let you near him until you have calmed down or he might not be fine." Mme Pomfrey's voice was firm as Draco seethed. "I will concede that something happened, but I will not be discussing it with you, and I will never discuss it with someone without discussing that with the patient first unless I must."

Draco steadied his breathing, hiding his inheritance again before he met Mme Pomfrey's eyes again. He was clearly angry, and if she was being honest, Mme Pomfrey understood. She never had a mate herself, as she is bonded to the castle itself, but every pair she dealt with was the same.

"If you can remain quiet and calm then I will let you meet Harry. He is sleeping though, so you may not wake him up." Mme Pomfrey opened the door, Remus starting as the door opened.

"Is he really alright?" Draco whisper yelled as he rushed into the room, Remus obviously having just woken up from nodding off.

"Yes, he's really fine." Remus' voice was rough as he rubbed between his eyes. "I'm exhausted, though."

"Then go to your room to sleep." Draco whispered, glaring at him.

"Nope, I need treatment too. Besides I don't have quarters yet. Dumbledore is dragging his feet about arranging one for me, and I'm not going to stop staying in the Hospital Wing until Harry doesn't need to be. I was primarily brought here as a replacement guardian after all."

"Why?" Draco hadn't heard of anything like that happening before.

"Because I'm pretty sure my right to be his guardian has been reinstated, the only concern I was ever given is now invalid." Remus was deliberately vague, he was sure that Draco wouldn't care that Harry's a werewolf, given their connection, but that didn't mean that he would extend the same courtesy to him.

"Make sure he takes these when he wakes you up." Mme Pomfrey put a tray of potions on the bedside table.

There were a lot of potions, in fact the number seemed to be increasing every day. It seemed like the next day Harry would daze or doze for most of the day. When it was clear that Harry was spending his time with Ron and Draco, Mme Pomfrey decided to extend his stay and let him be social, but there was a limit to how slow it could be with Harry's need to learn magic.

"So when did you go through your inheritance?" Remus had to admit he was a little curious. It was clear Harry had been through a lot, but he really couldn't see the Malfoys leaving their child with an early inheritance for very long.

"How do you know I have an inheritance?" Draco's voice was loud, eyes wide, somewhere between shock and fear at Remus' question.

Remus raised an eyebrow at Draco, who didn't seem to understand.

"You broke out of your room showing your inheritance, and then came all the way here and made your presence known when you came in. You're lucky people aren't really allowed up yet or everyone would know. So when was it?" Remus covered his eyes again, the light too bright.

"About a month ago." Draco mumbled, looking away from Remus.

"Makes sense. Stay quiet from now on." Remus seemed to be speaking to the air more than Draco, closing his eyes and starting to nod off again.


Mr and Mrs Malfoy,

I am sure you are both aware of your son's inheritance, I am writing to inform you of him finding his mate. The two of them appear to be friends, but as you can tell from the early inheritance his mate is rather unwell. I need to be able to treat him, and Draco is getting in the way.

If you could come to the castle soon in order to help the two form the necessary connection, I believe that would be helpful. His mate is not going to go to lessons for at least another week. We can get your son out of class without revealing his inheritance. His mate's new guardian is also going to be present.

Please let me know you're coming before you do.

Yours sincerely,

Mme Pomfrey.

Narcissa sighed as she read the letter, handing it to Lucius, who was clearly curious about it. She had to admit that she was surprised with how long it had taken for Draco's inheritance to become known. Perhaps it had really been revealed earlier, but now was when it could no longer be ignored or otherwise explained.

"I can't do anything until Wednesday." Lucius put the letter down.

"I'll let her know we'll be coming on Thursday then." Narcissa grabbed a piece of parchment.

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