Chapter 6: Close Call With The Handsome Stranger

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Chapter 6

"We need to talk." Carter said pulling my into his bedroom.

"No, actually I have nothing to say to you." I said trying to push past him.

"I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry for everything. I know what I did was unforgiveable, but please just give me a chance Megan." he looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Look Carter I have to go. Mitchel is waiting for me." I said, feeling guilty.

He snorted, "You think Mitchel actually cares about you, but all he is doing is using you to get back at me for making out with Stacey."

"You are such a liar Carter Turner!" I shouted and ran out of his room. I made my way down the stairs and outside. Why did he have to say such horrible things to me. You'd think he'd stop trying to hurt me already. I let out a loud scream. These boys were going to be the death of me.

"What's wrong?" Mitch asked as he came around the side of the house.

"Is there something you aren't telling me Mitchel? Like I don't know, maybe using me?" I asked anger present in my voice. I know I shouldn't be mad at him, but Carter had already wisseled his little thoughts into my head.

"What are you talking about Megan?" he asked, I could tell he was annoyed.

'Well Carter seems to think that you're just using me to get back at him." I said crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes at him.

"Well Carter isn't such a trust worthy person, now is he? I mean, I'm not the one who told your secret to that blonde bimbo." he said angry now.

"Yeah, like you really think she's a bimbo Mitch." Carter's voice boomed throught the back yard.

"Shut up Carter. You're just mad that I got to Megan before you did!" Mitch said defending himself. A smug smile crept onto Carters face.

I took a step back, eyes wide, tears already forming. "So it's true?" I asked in barely a whisper.

Mitchel turned to me, I guess he'd forgot that I was there. He sighed, "Look Megan, you're a nice girl and all but your just not my type. It's not you it's..."

I cut him off, "It's me. I should have known better then to fall for any of you Turner boys. You're all the same."

I took off running while I heard them call to me. I ignored it and just kept going. Eventually their voices faded. I made my way through town and ended up in a place I didn't even know was there. It was getting dark, I should have turned back, but I didn't. I just kept walking and walking, and walking.

It was pitch black when I decided I should turn around, only to find that I was lost. I sighed and then spotted a bar/diner. Maybe someone in there would give me directions. I walked in a was instantly harashed by the smell of smoke and alcohol. I coffed and made my way to the back. I took a seat at a empty booth.

A waitress came over and I asked for directions. I fond out that I was a good hour away from the Turner house. I sighed in defeat and ordered fries and a chocolate milk shake. My food came and I began to munch. I pulled out my phone and saw that the boys had been calling and texting me none stop. I could call one of them to come and get me...Or I could just walk back home. Or I could just not go back...No that was stupid, I had to go back.

I texted Matt telling him I was fine and that I would be back sooner or later. He instantly replied and told me he'd rather it be sooner than later. I smiled and set my phone down.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I heard a husky, yet very attractive voice ask me.

I looked up and saw the most attractive man i've ever seen take a seat infront of me. He had dark brown hair that was spiked up in the front but not like little boy spiked. He had more of a man fasada, bright green eyes, dark blue ripped jeans and a dressy type white shirt on. I realized that I was staring and I looked down. I blushed and then realized that he was probably waiting for an answer.

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