Chapter 16: Are You A Virgin?

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A/N: This is an updated and edited version of Chapter 16! Oh and do check out my new story I have up, "SeatonHill Secrets" Love you guys!<3

Chapter 16

"Are you a virgin?"

I was completely taken back by the question that Matt had just blurted out. We'd been watching movies for the last hour and talking here and there.

I scratched the back of my head, "If you exclude the rape, then yeah I'm a virgin."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that."

"No, no it's fine."

Matt didn't say anything for awhile and it was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

I jumped up and headed to the kitchen in need of a reason to get away from him. The last two days Matt wouldn't leave me alone, aside from bedtime. It was nice to get to spend time with him but I was starting to feel suffocated.

Sighing I grabbed a bag of Doritos out of the pantry and two colas out of the fridge and returned to the living room.

Matt was in the same spot I'd left him, staring intently at the Tv. I threw him a can and watched as he barely hesitated and caught it.

"Who's winning?" I asked inbetween mouth full of Doritos.

"Not my team." he said as he changed the channel.

"Ohh! I want to watch Lifetime!"

"Absouletly not."

I huffed and crossed my arms, "Whatever."

"Stop acting like a baby." he said flicking me in the arm.

"Stop being a pig." I returned with a punch.

Somehow this turned into full on battle and Matt wasn't holding back. I smacked him, and he'd hit me right back. As our little fight was coming to a close the door bell rang and we both exchanged confused glances before getting up.

"You answer it." I said pushing him closer to the door.

"It's your house." Matt returned.

"Just answer the door!" I yelled.

"Why should I? Stop being so lazy Megan." He said flopping down on the couch.

"What if it's a rapist?"

He rolled his eyes, "Stop being so dramatic."

"You're such an ass." I said before getting up to answer the door.

I made my way to the fouyar and opened the door gingerly. And there was Malcum in all his amazing glory. I didn't know where to be angry or excited to see him. And then I realized that he'd probably cheated on me so I went with angry.

"Please let me explain." he begged.

I simply slammed the door in his face and returned to the livingroom, my mood ruined.

"Who was it?" Matt asked.

"Wrong house."

The door bell chimed again, "Your turn."

Grunting he got up and went to get the door. I was hoping that Matt would punch him right in the face but instead he decided to invite him in.

"You have a visitor." he said coming back into the livingroom. I couldn't tell if he was amused or angry. Or both.

I didn't respond, instead I got up completely ignoring Malcum, and raced for my bedroom. I thought I was in the clear when my door was in sight but sadly I was wrong. As I went to turn the door knob I was swooped away by a pair of strong arms. Arms that I was all too familiar with. Arms that I once found comfort in.

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