Chapter 13: Mom And Dad

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*A/N Okay, so I just realized that I messed up Michaels name and had his name as "Mark". Sorrry for all the confusion guys! I'm going through the chapters and fixing it now.*

Chapter 13

I woke up in a soft bed with a large black comforter wraped around me. I breathed in deep, taking in the scent that I recoginzed. Everything that had happened sudden brought me back to reality. 'I must be dreaming." I thought to myself.

There was no way Malcum had found me last night. In a few minutes I'd wake up back in the storage unit, on the dirt floor with Seans decomposing body only a few feet away from me. I felt tears sting my eyes and I closed them tightly. "Okay Megan, on the count of three open them."

One, I took a deep breath.


Three, I exhaled and shot up opening my eyes.

I was really in Malcums room. I was so overwhelmed that I began to sob quitely, which only turned into a full on ball baby fit. The door suddenly bust open and Malcum was right next to me. He hadn't changed at all. The only different were the worry lines on his face and he seemed to have lost some color. He looked like a ghost.

"Megan, sweetie. What's wrong?" Malcum said pulling my into his chest.

I just cried harder. Being in his arms is all I could think about since Sean had taken me from the diner. Malcum murmured small, caring things into my ear. Brushing my hair out of my face, and kissing the top of my head. Finally my sobs died down, until I was completely cried out.

I looked up at him, "I've missed you so much." I threw my arms around his neck and held on to him tightly, afraid I'd be ripped away from him again.

He hugged me back just as fiersly, "I've been worried sick about you Megan."

I pulled away from him, "How long was I gone?"

"About two and a half weeks. The police have been searching for you everywhere. They went your foster mothers house and found lots of blood. They assumed it was yours. They haven't been able to find her..." he trailed off.

Two and a half weeks? That couldn't be right. Could it? There is no way I could have been knocked out for two weeks...

"Malcum, I need to go home." I said, even though all I really wanted to do was just sit there with him.

He let out a deep sigh, "I know you do. Let me get changed and i'll take you home."

He kissed my cheek and got up, grabbing anything from his dresser and walking into the bathroom. I sighed, feeling all the soreness and pain that my body had suffered in the last two weeks. I felt weak, and frail. But atleast I wasn't alone anymore.

Malcum came back into the room dressed in light, ripped blue jeans and a black shirt that showed off his muscular body underneath. I realized I was staring at his body and quicky forcused on the floor like it was the most interesting thing I'd ever seenin my entire life.

I heared him chuckle softly, "See something you like Ms.Cross?"

My face intsently heated up. I chose not to respond and just rolled my eyes. I slowly got out of his bed. My feet touched the cold wooden floor and I instently wanted to crawl back in Malcum's bed and forget the world. But I knew there were a lot of things that I had to settle.

I pulled on my battered shoes and we walked hand in hand out to his car. I got in the front seat, buckled up, and started to prepare myself. I had no idea what I was going to tell the Turners. It's a good thing I had a long hour drive til we would reach thier house. Malcum started the engine and his car purred to life. He back out of his driveway and began the long drive.

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