Chapter 9: Fake Breakup; A FAKEUP

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Chapter 9

It was noon and the entire family was gone. They were going to some kind of dinner with a business friend of Micheal's. I told them I wasn't feeling well, so I was excused. Carter on the other hand wasn't allowed to go. I was curious as to why, but I had to focus on the plan at hand.

I went down stairs and made my way to the kitchen. And of course there was Carter. Even in this huge house, he still managed to get to me. I sighed and walked over to the fridge. I had to continue to put a show on for him.

"What's up buttercup?" Carter asked me.

"Nothing at all Carter. Leave me alone." I said.

"Listen, i'm making doing this for your own good."

Anger flowed through me, "NO YOU ARE NOT! You're doing this because you are selfish. And because I won't give you the time of day. But if you think you'd deserve that you're wrong. You don't even deserve to have any contact with me after the shit you pulled with that Bimbo."

He rolled his eyes, "Will you ever let that go Meg?"

"No, I won't. And it's Megan. M-E-G-A-N. Actually, don't even bother calling my by my name. You don't deserve that either." I said grabbing a drink out of the fridge and shut the door.

He sighed and as on cue the door bell rang.

"Who is that?" he asked me.

I snorted, "Do I look like a psychic?"

"I guess i'll get it." he said pushing himself up from his seat and made his way over to the door.

"That would be the appropriate thing to do when someone rings the door bell." I called out to him.

"Bite me."

My lips curved into a knowning smirk. Malcum was right on time. I heard the door open and then it was slammed abruptly. I had to fight the laughter that was threating to escape. This was only going to work if Malcum and I played it right.

Carter stomped into the kitchen, "What the hell? You think because everyone is gone you can just invite him over?"

I turned around and looked at him in the eyes, "What are you talking about Carter?"

"You know damn well what i'm talking about!" he shouted at me from the doorway.

"Once again, i'm not a freaking pychic! How the hell am I supposed to know what goes on in that seriously twisted and messed up head of yours?!" I yelled back.

"Don't act like you didn't know that Mr. Walker is at the door."

I shot my eyebrows up in fake surprise, "What do you mean he's at the door?! Tell him to leave!" I whisper yelled at him.

He looked taken aback and I could tell that he was falling for my little act.

"So you didn't invite him over?"

I face plamed and then let a few crocodile tears fall down my cheeks. I looked up at Carter will pleading eyes, "I had no idea he'd come over Carter."

His face shoftened a bit and I could tell that he was buying it. All that was left was for me to 'break-up' with Malcum and tell him we couldn't see each other anymore.

I sighed, "I'll tell him to leave."

"No no. I'll tell him." Carter started making his way to the door. I felt my heart rate pick up. I still had to fake the break-up!

I ran out of the kitchen and grabbed him by his shoulder, "No Carter, I have to do this." I let a few more tears fall down my cheeks and went to the door.

I opened and there stood Malcum in all his glory. He had a pair of ripped, fadded, light blue jeans on and a tight black shirt on that showed of his muscular chest off well.

'He looks really good right now.'

I thought to myself, and then I realized I was staring at him and that I had a plan that I had to finish.

"Malcum I can't see you anymore." I said looking down. I knew if I looked at him that I'd start to laugh, and we had too much at stake for me to brake down in laughter.

"What? Why Megan, I thought you cared about me!" He shouted.


"I should have known better then to trust someone like you..." he spat at me.

I know we were only saying this stuff so we could get Doucheface off of our backs but when I took in the words he said I couldn't help the tears that fell. It was like we were really saying these things. And god damn Malcum was a good actor!

"I guess you should have." I whispered back to him.

"We are done Megan Cross."

I looked him in the face for the first time. He winked at me, and I could see the smile tugging at his lips. I wanted to smile back.

'Come on Megan! Finish this already!', I mentally scolded myself.

"I hate you!" I screamed at him and then slammed the door in his face. I ran past Carter and all the way to my bedroom. I locked the door and quickly blasted Over You by Daughtry throw my speakers. I bursted into a laughing fit.

My phone vibrated and I opened the new message that I had.

'I think that went rather well.'

I couldn't help but laugh again.

'I'd say.' I replied back.

'I'll see you tomorrow Ms.Cross. Have a good evening. Don't cry too much over me.' the message read.

'Ohh, I don't know how i'm going to survive this tragedy!' I replied.

I smiled and decided to call Kala and see if she was up to doing something. Besides I had nothing better to do, and I needed to get out.

"Hello?" Kala answered after 2 rings.

"Hey, it's Megan. You want to go do something?" I asked her.

"I'D LOVE TO!" she squealed.

I laughed, "Okay, pick me up in a half an hour."

"Will do!"

I hung up and got ready. By the time I was done it was nearly time for Kala to be here. I texted Carter and let him know that I was going out for some 'girl time' with Kala and would be back later. He messaged me back and told me everything would be okay, yadda yadda yadda and that he was here for me. And my favorite was 'Take as much time as you need with Kala. Get your mind off things.'

I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone in my pocket. Like I cared what he said anyway.

I heard Kala beep her horn and I ran downstairs. I jumped in her car and we were off. We didn't know where we were going. But anyway was better then The Turner House.


Authors Note.


I am so sorry for taking so long! But with midterms in school and I had to get my grades up. And then I was sick. And THEN I had to schedule for my Senior year! A lot was going on. I know it's super short, but I really wanted to get something up for you guys!

Thank you so much for hanging in there with me!

Please please please please vote and comment!

Until next time,


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