Chapter 12: Reunited And It Feels So Good

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Chapter 12

I don't know how long I sat there before I realized that I had to do something. I took in my surroundings. It was still daylight outside from what I could tell. Light was pouring in from the crack in the garage looking door. I got up, careful to avoid the bag with Sean decomposing body. I shiver went up my spine. How could I kill someone? I mean I know that he was a horrible person, but did I still have the right to end his life?

"No Megan, don't think like that. Don't think about it at all." I thought silently to myself.

I made my way over to the door and pushed as hard as I could upwards. Nothing happened.

"Great just my luck."

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed planks of wood. I rushed over and grabbed one. I ran back to the door and thrust the wood in the crack. I pried with all my might. Again, nothing happened. By the time I decided to rest, I noticed that there was no more light streaming through the crack. I did manage to make the crack into a hole. I did everything but look at the garbage bag in the corner of the storage unit as I made my way over to a small couch in the back of the storage unit.

I felt a few tears began to fall down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away, there was no way I could brake down at a time like thing.

"Think Megan, Think." It was obvious that no one came around this place. So I couldn't expect outside help. If I could only get that down open. Sitting around was getting me no where so I began looking through the stuff piled up in there. I was on the fifth or six box when I found a metal rode. It was heavy, but it set comfortably in my hand.

I made my way back over to the door. I shoved the metal rode through the hole I had created and started to try and pry myself free. At first it seemed like nothing was happening. Then I began to feel the door budge. Excitement washed through me. I knew that I might have a chance if I could get out of this prison and find a road. I started working faster and faster. Using as much of my weight as I possible could.

The door budged again. This time it felt like it was lifting up. I knew I had to work fast. I didn't know how long I had been knocked out for, and Irene was bound to come check on me sooner or later. I was hoping it was later and by then that I was gone.

It felt like I had been working for hours, I was about to give up. I pushed down one last time with all the strength left in my body and I heard something snap. At first I though it was the metal rode in my hand but then the storage unit door shot up and I realized it was the lock on the outside. I had snapped a solid metal lock.

"It's offical. I'm a badass." I said to no one in particular. I smiled and took a few causious steps out. I looked around and saw that I was literally in the middle of no where. It was dusk and from what I could tell there was only one way out of the little area of storage units, a dirt road.

I sighed and began to walk towards it. I seemed like I'd been walking forever when I saw headlights in the distance. I got excited and then it dawned on me that Irene could be the driver of that car. I hurried and ducked behind a row of bushes. I watched as the car drove by me.

It was dark, so I really couldn't see inside the car. But as it drove by a shiver went up my spine. Somehow I knew it was Irene. I knew she was going to check on me. And I knew that I had to get as far away from there as possible. As soon as the headlights were out of view I took off. I ran as fast as I could. I had no idea where I was going but the farther I seemed to get away from that place the more relaxed my body got.

Finally a highway came into view. Eventually Irene was going to get to that storage unit. She would see that I wasn't there and then she'd be looking for me. As all of this flashed through my mind I didn't think. I dashed out onto the road. Cars swerved and if Irene didn't kill me one of them was bound to. I fell to the gorund and rolled.

I hurried to ready myself and noticed that a car had pulled over. My vision steadied. I reconginzed that car, I'd been in it so much over the last five months. A man got out of the car. I knew him. And I was never so happy to see anyone in my entire life. I raced forward, his arms already open and waiting for me.

"Malcum." I breathed into him. His arms tightened around me. Everything was familiar. His smell, his touch, his warmth. Everything.

"Megan! Where have you been. What happened? We've been looking for you for over two weeks!" he was frantic.

My eyes widened. I was gone for over two weeks? How much time have I spent unconcious? Then I realized we had a bigger problem...Irene.

"Malcum I promise i'll explain everything. We just need to leave. Right. Now." I said pulling him towards his car.

I jumped into the passanger seat as Malcum put the car into drive.

"Faster." I told him as I looked out of the review mirror.

"Megan i'm already going 10 miles over the speed limit."

"Just go faster, Malcum!" I shouted.

He floored it. I felt bad for yelling at him, but we needed to get out of there. Who knew who Irene had with her, but I didn't want to be anywhere near her to find out. I turned the radio up to try to calm myself. Before I knew it was I was fast asleep.


Authors note:

Hi guys! Update FINALLY! I know its been forever but I was so busy over the summer and even now with my Senior project and school just starting. Well I know this is short but I wanted to get something up to you guys! Thank you for hanging in there with me.

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