Chapter 11- Part 2: Fighting Back

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Chapter 11

Part 2

A million things raced through my mind as Sean bent down and straddled me. Even if I managed to fight him off, he'd still try and go after Kala. But what could I do?!

He began to undo the buttons on my shirt. I layed there and pretended to go along with what he was doing. But I had to think of something, because eventually I was going to run out of buttons...

I saw something sparkle out of the corner of my eye. I was turned my head the slightest to see what it was. Sean was starting to get impatient with the buttons on my shirt, he started to rip it off. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I forced myself to remain calm. I looked over again and saw that there was a small pocket knife on the floor, right beside the table leg that my head hit off of.


My shirt was gone, and Sean was working on my jeans now. He quickly undid the top button and tore my paties off along with the jeans. This was it, I knew what happened next. Pain surged through my lower abdomen. When had he undid his pants? I squeazed my eyes shut and allowed him to continue. He needed to be distracted in order for me to get that knife.

"Come one baby, scream for me." Sean panted.

Bile rose in my throat and I had to fight the urge to vomit every where.

"I said SCREAM for me!" he shouted, slapping my across the face. Still I bit my tongue. I was NOT giving him any statisfaction, what so ever.

He rolled me over onto my stomach and began the toture again. He grabbed my hair and jerked me back. He must have pulled the hair near my already wounded head because a sharp pain ran along my hair line, and I felt blood stream down my forehead and onto my nose. I screamed and this must have been the reaction Sean was looking for. He seemed to grow more and more eager.

"Have your fun Sean. Don't bruse her too bad. I still have more instore for her." and with that Irene left the room. That was what I was waiting for. As soon as I was sure she was out of the room I used all the strength I had left and lunged for the pocket knife.

I yelped in pain as a hand full of my hair was viciously tugged out. More blood ran down my face, blurring my vision. I fumbled for a second before finding the knife.

"Come here you little bitch." he reached for me and thats when I did it. I unfolded the knife and cut him right across his face.

Sean's blood curdling scream rang through out the house.

"You fucking bitch! You cut me!" he screamed with his hand on his cheek. He was pushing hard on the wound because it was bleeding pretty badly.

Megan: 1 Sean: 2 I thought to myself. But I had no time for my normal witty banter. I had to finish this. I wouldn't let him hurt Kala, and no matter how much I threatened him I, no matter how much jail time he survived I knew he'd still come after her.

He lunged towards me and I began to swing the knife around. He managed to avoid it and land a hard hit right into my already brused ribs. I droped the knife and started to wheeze. I coughed and blood came out.

He took advantage of this and straddled me, "You've pissed off the wrong person way too many times."

I spat the blood that was in my mouth at him and it hit him smack dab in the face. I knew i'd pay for this, but if I was going down. I was going down swinging and fighting back every step of the way.

He swore at me and began to beat down on me with his fists. I screamed out in agony, which only seemed to fuel his rage even more. My hands searched along the floor for something, anything for me to use as a weapon. Because there was no way I was fighting him off on my own.

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