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Arielle picks up her machete and slashed the vampire's head off, yanking the next one off Sam Winchester and taking it out the screaming way.
They almost never went without a fight and her mentor had been right.

"How many more are there?" She stands back-to-back with Sam and Dean.

More fledgelings fly at the trio from either side and they all step up to the plate of defending themselves.
Arielle's blade swings once more and the last head flies clean off, blood spattering on her and the surrounding area.

"That was the last one." Dean wipes his blade off. "You're a damn good fighter, Ari."

"That's what my mentor said." She reveals more about her sketchy past with her mentor. "So what now?"

"Now," Sam picks up the head of a vamp. "We go home."

The two Winchesters and the Everett sister load their weapons into the trunk of the Impala and get on the road to their cheap motel.

Dean blasts Guns n Roses along the highway as he speeds along. Sam scrolls on his iPad for future cases, but doesn't come up with anything. And Arielle gazes out the window, her mind elsewhere. Shes back at the bunker with those foul creatures. She enjoys watching the blood fly in all direction and their heads topple to the ground from the bodies. She craves the violence.
Crowley has taken advantage of her emotional state and coerced her into killing an entire town of Lilith's demon slaves to try and solve her love for bloody violence, but it only made her crave more.

Sam's touch on her knee jolts Arielle our of her thoughts as the Impala pulls into the motel parking lot.

Arielle pushes through the motel room door and ducks into the bathroom. Pain courses through her veins. In the mirror, her eyes turn an obsidian black, covering the whole pupils or a demon's and she hears the evil cackle of those with demon blood running through their mind. Arielle lets out an inaudible gasp, not willing to show fear or weakness to the Queen of Demons herself.

Lilith herself gives Arielle a wicked, shit-eating grin.
The centuries-old demon still hadn't changed. Blonde hair, pigtails with pink bows and the disgusting white dress she always wore.
The demon was evenly matched with the Everett girl and she was jealous. Crowley had trained the human, instead of the demon controlling the depths of hell.

"Back again for more, are you, Lilith?" Arielle taunts, her mind reminiscing what happened the last time they clashed. Arielle made her bleed and the blood from an older demon made her indestructible against a coven of witches. "You remember, don't you? Or do I need to rejog the memory?"
She reaches out to touch Lilith through the mirror but it breaks into tiny glass shards and the pieces fall to the floor. "Dammit, bitch."

To avoid confrontation with Sam and Dean about her demonic party tricks, she picks up all the shards and cleans the blood off herself, scrubbing beneath her fingernails. And she exits the bathroom, returning her eyes back to human.

"Find any new cases?" She asks.

"Yeah. And we need you to investigate."

A Little Wicked // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now