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By the end of her first day of classes, she was absolutely mentally exhausted.

Arielle changes into her workout clothes and heads for the football field to find a team of boys jogging around the track, joking around and laughing about something involving whatever high school jocks were into. She sets her water bottle down against the fence and begins her warmup of stretching then takes off at a sprint halfway around the track, breaking down to a jog along the short side and repeating the exercise five times over before it gets too hot and she runs out of oxygen.
She hears voices carry across the field, telling someone to look out. A football flies through the air toward her and she leaps up to catch it, landing gracefully like a cat.
And she throws it back. The ball flies like an arrow through the goal halfway across the field and bounces off the equipment shed.

A man blows a whistle to capture all the attention from Arielle and he approaches her, his expression stern. "Young lady, you are interrupting our practice."

"Coach, we need her on the team. Didn't you see her throw?" A boy about her age steps up to defend her.

"We've never had a female on a male team." He complains.

"Don't be sexist, coach. Women are often what makes a team stronger. We're more strategic and don't think with our dicks. Oh wait, that's because we don't have one." She leaves him speechless and exits the field to the parking lot, tying her backpack to the back seat for the ride home.

The dark-haired Cullen from lunch, jogs up to her and she takes her helmet off.
"Coach wants you on the team. And he's sorry about what he said to you. He'd like to see you in his office tomorrow morning."

"I didn't peg you for a football player, Mr. vampire." She mumbled before taking off for the motel.


The Winchester brothers dragged Arielle along to the Forks Police Station to help solve a case. They all flash their fake ID's and pass through to the exam room.

Arielle uncovers the corpse and discovers a grisly sight. What clothes he wore had either been stolen or completely torn apart, long slits visible in his chest. She turns his head to expose his throat on either side and discovers three silvery teeth marks, still cold to the touch.
"Definitely a vampire. But not ones were used to."

"Have you noticed anything strange about the students at school?" Dean asks.

"Yep. I got invited over to a girl's house today. Pretty sure she's a vampire like the one I tested last night." She lets her midnight adventures slip.

"What do you mean you tested a vampire, Ari?"

Shit. She knew they would find out eventually, but it couldn't go down in a morgue.

There's a knock at the glass door and the chief of police escorts them out of the examination room to question them. Arielle tells him it's an animal attack, keeping the secret about her world.

Sam leads the way out of the station and shrugs off his stifling suit jacket in Baby as Dean drives for the motel. "We're going hunting tonight. Want to come?"

"Can't. I've got homework for history." She rolls her eyes. "We're exploring the civil war."

"Be good then." Dean gives her a small finger wave.

A Little Wicked // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now