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Prom was tonight.

Alice's fashion skills turned her into a Disney princess, the exact opposite of her true nature.
The dress was pure lace with a corset middle in a deep midnight blue abs her hair had been done up in a braided bun.

Arielle twirls in front of her girlfriend and takes her by the arm as they enter the local event house. The music calls to her heart and lulls her into a mellow mood.

She dances with the vampire and somehow manages to open her up.

A slow song comes on and the couple dance in each other's arms.

"I never took you for a dancer." Alice smiles.

"A demon's gotta have a few tricks up her sleeve." She jokes. "Like this." She switches a school Billy's dress to a trash bag and laughter cuts through.

"Use your powers for good." Alice kisses her. "I love you."

The words shocked her and it got for her questioning.

Could a demon love and still be a little wicked in this world?
The answer was uncertain.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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