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After dinner with the Cullens, each of them were intrigued by the show of her demon powers. She showed all four of them, including influencing Edward to give Bella and Esme piggy-back rides before the human went home for the night.

The rest of the night, Arielle attempted to sleep, but her thoughts kept her awake. 

Alice turned and tossed under the blankets before giving up and settling with facing the ceiling, watching her companion fidget beside her. Arielle lays on Alice's chest and uses her powers to coax the vampire's icy heart to beat for the night. Alice kisses the girl's forehead and she almost wishes to take things further with the girl.

"Do you miss being human?" Arielle asks.

"I don't....remember...much..." She shivers.

"Neither do I." The half-demon mentions. She didn't miss being normal nor did she have any memories of her mortal teenage years. "It must've been rough though if you're undead now."

"What do you hunt?" The questions comes out of Alice's mouth without thinking.

Arielle notices the sudden change in tone. She hadn't thought about telling Alice she was a hunter but the cross earlier must've hinted she was. Now she could tell her brothers it wasn't the Cullens doing the murdering.

"My brothers and I hunt those who kill for sport. If they make it to the news, you can bet we'll be on the case."

The brown-haired girl seems to become hard as stone as a vision of the future shows up out of nowhere. And she blinks back into reality. Rogues vampires, those without a coven, were on the move and fast. She didn't recognize them at all.

"You're here for whatever's killing the innocent citizens." She realizes. "We've been tracking them."

"Your family lives a complicated life, it looks." Arielle dozes off with her head on the vampire's chest.


The redhead wakes up to find Alice gone. 

The sheets are rumple and her closet is open, clues to her early absence.

Arielle turns on her phone to find a billion text messages from her brothers asking where she is and if she found out anything more from the Cullens. 

She swings her legs off the bed and walks across the room to the open window, the drop to the ground big enough to snap a leg and break a human neck. 

She dodges out the way as figure leaps into the bedroom and turns to her, their kill still evident on their face.

"Alice." She wraps her arms around the vampire and feels her stiffen. "You guys went hunting, didn't you?"

"Arielle, listen. We don't eat humans, if that's what you're thinking." The vampire reassures him.

"I don't care what you eat."

"But....you seemed freaked out that we went hunting."

"Babe, you freak out too much. I was hoping you'd take me with you." Arielle kisses her nose.

"You wouldn't want to watch us. It gets bloody. And we also don't know what the scent of your blood would do to us." Alice panics as the demon holds her closer.

Arielle wraps an arm around Alice's waist and cups her cheek with the other. "I can smell your fear and it's rather delicious. So test your theory." She challenges, a smirk finding her smile. "Kiss me."

Alice wasn't usually one to back down from a teasing challenge, but this was crossing her line of comfort. She surprises Arielle with a grasp on her hips and a soft but needy kiss. Tingles erupt in between them and she pulls away with lust in her golden gaze. The feeling was more intense than it had ever been with anyone. At least the thirst wasn't firing up, in fact, her blood was disgusting. "You're safe. Definitely not enticing." She scrunches her nose, earning a chuckle from the redhead.

"Cute." Arielle entwines their fingers and magics on an all-leather outfit, not leaving anything for the vampire to see. "What's on the agenda before baseball?"

Alice hadn't really thought about her spending the night, much less staying for a private family past time. So this was something new and out of her comfort zone. 

Luckily Emmett and Jasper came to her rescue.

A Little Wicked // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now