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To say she was sore the next morning was a complete understatement.

Arielle could barely walk and the blame was on the hunky Winchester in her bed.

The redhead glances at her phone and reads that it's Monday. She started her undercover mission today and couldn't afford to be late.

Arielle wakes up Sam and reminds him what day it is and he quickly wakes up.

Before they leave for Forks High School, Arielle pulls Sam aside to tell him last night was only a hookup and that's all she wanted from him. He still tongue-tusseled with her against Baby until Dean rudely interrupted them.

The two brothers punch and tease each other about Sam finally getting something and losing his virginity. 

Arielle puts in her earbuds once they start bantering back and forth and pushes out of the Impala when they arrive at school. Across the lot, she spies the vampire from the night before leaning against a silver Volvo, clearly a fascination to the rest of the students. The vampire furrows his brows as if he's reading her mind or something, but she rolls her eyes at him. 

Pushing into the building, she shivers at the sudden drop in temperature and crawls into the front office. "Hi. I'm Arielle Everett."

"Ah, yes. You're the hunter girl." The office lady, Ms. Cope, hands her a schedule and a lock. "Have a good day, hun."

She wonders how she knew her secret, but her thoughts kept her on track to the first period of the day; biology. She takes a seat in the back by the window and lays out her notebook.

"Hi! I'm Jessica. You're new, aren't you? I like your outfit." The bubbly, popular girl sits next to Arielle. 

"Yes, I'm new. Are you always this annoying?" She snaps.

"Fine...bitch." Jessica mutters under her breath as she moves away.

Arielle hovers her power on a glass beaker by Jessica and picks it up then smashes it above the door as their teacher enters and the girl is seen with another glass in her hand.

"Jessica, detention!" He orders. "Right. Let's get started."


In gym, she notices the dark-haired girl from last night disappear out of the school. She follows her into the forest and hides behind a dark green algae growth on the trees as the vampire trounces on by her, surprising the poor human. He tells her what he is and takes off running up the mountain at an in-human speed.

Without much effort, Arielle teleports herself within seconds to give them time to talk. He wasn't going to kill her, the human. She read his mind.

The redhead quietly returns to class and follows the students to the cafeteria for lunch. Seeing an empty space by the window, Arielle high tails it and gets there the same time as four others all exactly alike the vampire with Bella in the forest. 

One, especially interested in the demon, the others could care less.

"I think we're in biology together. Have you found a partner for the project yet?" The girl in a vest and jeans talks to Arielle like they're friends. "Also well done on dealing with Jessica. She's a piece of work."

Arielle didn't know how to respond. The girl was breathtaking and her type, but she would not be caught dead dating a vampire. 

"I was thinking of doing the project solo. I did it last year in junior year, so why not."

The four students sit with her and the cafeteria turns silent. Clearly they were the 'Plastics' at this school.

"Let's be partners! We can meet at my house tomorrow." She invites the hunter over. "I'm Alice, by the way. You're Arielle?"

"I go by Ari these days." She corrects the pixie, giving away her number. "And you guys are?"

"Oh, this is my best friend, Jasper. And Emmett is on the end with Rosalie."

"Cool, I guess I'll see you all tomorrow." Arielle bolts out of there.

A Little Wicked // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now