Part 21

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🅴🆂🆃🅴🅻🅻🅰 calculates how many seconds she got before District 8 got anywhere near Rue, the most would be a minute. Letting a frustrated sigh as she is never one who likes working under pressure, she took the rope out from her bag as she measured the length and height from her to Rue, and pulled her sunglass over her head.

Tying a noose knot at the end of one side of the rope, she threw it to Rue who was more than confused. Estella signaled for her to hold on tight to that end, letting her bag free on the branch, merely taking the dagger by biting on it.

Glancing at district 8 before signaling to three for Rue, with the end of the rope with Estella, she swiftly drops herself down on the ground. With her weight compared to Rue's smaller size, she was able to get Rue above the tree where she previously was while she took Rue's.

Estella carefully watched her steps on the covered twigs ground, glimpsing from time to time at every second she got before District 11 got near her. Rue watches from above, worried for her friend as she stays as hidden and tranquil as possible.

1... 2... 3... Now!

The district girl was closer, and Estella took an expeditious movement. With her dagger she unhesitant stabs her on her shoulder joint while hurriedly enveloping her mouth from a scream causing her to let free of her sword, however, her grunt comes out crystal which makes her partner more alarmed.

Curses under her breath, Estella pulls the girl along with her on the big tree, moving in a circle as she drags the girl with her back on the tree trunk, avoiding the District 8's boy. Glaring sternly at the wounded girl to shut up as she endangers her with the dagger located more intimate to her neck.

In the control of Estella's eyes, she noticed the boy had taken notice of the rope dangling down, when his eyes moved above, he engaged with Rue's terrified one, stretching his arrow ready to aim. Fast, Estella's knee hit the girl right on her stomach, earning her to fall on and groan in deep whimpers, taking the free sword to the ground. Estella brackets and throws the weaponry undeviatingly on one of his legs, just in time before the boy releases the arrow.

His outcry overspread the whole forest, and looked down at his leg, seeing how the sword stuck badly through his skin.

Estela gingerly went up to him, conveying the bow and arrow. They shared eyes, the male fear for his death while Estella remained emotionless. Estella took the weapon, carefully stretching the bow and aiming the arrow right between his eyes. Rue couldn't watch it, she shut her eyes from the death scene, the male doing the same, merely ready for the end.


The arrow had been released, and when they opened their eyes, Rue and the male saw no sign of an arrow, as they carefully inspected the scene. Estella's aim was no longer sustained on the male, nevertheless on District 8's girl who persists frozen in between her action of going to stab Estella, her pocket knife is raised above her head and the arrow Estella's propaganda is on her other uninjured shoulder.

Not being equipped to take the strain anymore, she slumped to the ground, hand shakenly at the arrow not knowing whether to lease it out or not. "... Leave it. Unless you have medicine or something to cover the wound, don't pull it yet."

They were in shock that Estella was giving them survival advice, taking the bow with her and only 4 arrows left. "I'm taking this. Thanks." Securing the brand-new weapon on her back, with her dagger she escalates the tree to Rue effortlessly. Estella delivered Rue an agile small smile, it was sincere with sentiments.

Extracting the rope up into a bundle once more and back into the pack, furnishing a glance at District 8's tribute below her. Estella signals Rue to follow her, "We should get out from here before more comes. Too much noise happened." Estella took the lead, leaping from branches, and helping Rue once in a while when the distance was too much for the girl.

Estella took care of Rue like a mother bird, bypassing the ground as they progressed with the trees and winds. Now with an arrow and bow in her hand. Estella was capable of protecting and hunting for meat for them. Rue transpiring so appreciative for Estella, sure to never be in the girl's way and kept hidden when told, she too would always be amazed at Estella's hidden talent of attacking and probing meals.

Rue does guarantee to leave her side when she encounters her partner Thresh, Estella doesn't complain about having company with her but also doesn't disagree with Rue leaving her side in the future.

Momentarily, nighttime has jostled faster than anticipated. Estella was sure by now that they were at the approaching end of the arena. Due to that, it is safe to establish camp on the land, Rue constitutes a fire as Estella concluded by looking for water from the trees neighboring.

Currently, after a good meal of bunnies, Rue devises in the sleeping bag Estella captured while the older sat by the now burn-out fire as she contemplates the artificial stars. Estella remembers Poppy informing her what would occur to those who discontinued, a hovercraft would descend with tentacle-like arms extending from it, gathering the bodies one by one, pulling them up and in.

She glances at Rue who is having trouble sleeping, querying what would appear to the girl if she didn't step up and assist her. Estella shifted into a comfortable position. Night creatures chitter around her and above her, images are projected onto the sky. Estella took notes and recalled the names and faces. Counting who else was left.

Bravura, the Boy from 9, and others were shown.

But no Peeta, Katniss, Thresh, or Aries. Estella sighs, relieved. The last face is replaced by the capital seal as the sounds of the national anthem begin to soar, Estella mocks at it and flicks her middle finger at it, knowing full well a camera is watching over her action but why does it care, she's going to die soon.

"Estella... Are you asleep?" Estella moved her attention to the black girl. The night wasn't much help to check for any trouble on her face although the voice itself was acceptable to report to Estella how uncomfortable the young girl's state was, "No."

"Are you perhaps cold? I-If we squeeze a little. I-I'm sure we'll b-both fit."


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