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So Y/n is basically a streetperformer. Yea... Don't know what else to say.

A/N I noticed that all my "stories" are based in England or just in Europe. Well... Yea. Makes sense.

Y/n pov
I was just setting up when a random girl sat down on my other guitarcase.
"Hey... I'm Jordan" She introduced herself "Y/N" I said as I ajuted my strings and set up my Mikrofone.
"Do you need anything?" I asked her since she was just staring at me. "Umm... Yes. No. I mean. Well. I just wanted to listen" I nodded and sat myself on my little stool.
I started off with 'Yesterday from the Beatles' people kept passing and some stood and listened some threw money into my open case.
As I stared 'Riptide from Vance Joy' to finish with Jordan was still there. But so was someone else. I felt a new pair of eyes staring at me. I looked up and holy shit. Florence Pugh. Florence Pugh is fucking here. I must've stared because she came over. "Y know staring is not nice" I was baffled. "Florence" I gathered my thoughts and stretched out my hand "Oh I know. Y/N" she looked down at my hand. "YEA I don't do that shit" she pulled me into a hug. "Do you... Maybe wanna go for coffee os something" Damn Yelena Belova is asking me out. "Of course. Umm... I just need to pack." she nodded and let go of my arm whick I didn't know she was holding. " I turned around to see Jordan immensely angry." Oh hi Jordan" She just got up and rushed off.
"Looks like I pissed someone off" I giggled "YEA. But thanks she was kinda creepy." I packed everything up and got up. "Umm... Is it OK if I stop by my flat before because I don't wanna be carrying this" She nodded and followed me the way there.
"Dont you have like, a bodyguard with you. For the paps?" I asked coriusly. She stopped infron of my door and looked up my street. "Shit. Well... Sorry to disappoint you. But speak of the devil." I looked and saw a crowd of people hurrying towards us. "Shit. You can come in to. Like. You won't make it away." She nodded thankfully and I quickly closed the door. We alked up the stairs and entered my apartment. "It's not much but it's home" "It's wonderful" I blushed at that remark. I've had a Celebrity crush on her since like, forever. I like all her films. Except the falling. It was really not that great. But she was in it. So it was ok. I gave her a quick tour and then we just stood there staring not knowing what to do. Then she just fell. Like, fall fall. I rushed to catch her. And I did. She was uncontious so I carried her into my bedroom and laid her on my bed. Then I felt her forehead and got a glass of water. Her pulse was normal. Then she started giggling. "You little..." "Took you long enough to notice" "You're a fucking actor" she giggled and drank the water. "You gave me a fucking heart attack" she set down the glass and tilted my head with her finger "You look very alive to me" I chuckled "Movie?" You notice alot about someone in a few minutes. I noticed three things.

1: She likes to play tricks on people
2: She tries to make everyone else happy before herself
3: Florences love language is touch.

She nodds and I sit next to her on my bed. We chose The penguins of Madagascar for absolutly no reason. I wasn't concentrating really. My mind was basically 'holy fucking shit I'm watching a movie with Florence Pugh'
After about twenty minutes she snuggles up to me with her head on my shoulder. One usually forgets that Celebritys are just normal, genuine people too.
She drapes her arm over my waist. She was obviously wanted to be cuddled so I spooned her. 'Definitely a bottom. What the fuck Y/N! Mind out of the gutter please'
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours" Damn no I can't tell her. Yet.
"You think I'm pretty?" she cutely nodds and burys her head in my arms. Hiding a blush. "Did I just make Yelena Belova blush" She then put on her Russian accent "No I was just hot Сука." "Did you just call me a Bitch?" she gets up and runs away. I chase her and we end up pillow fighting in the living room. Then we fell on the couch, tired. She was straddling me.
Silence filled the room. She slowly took her hand to caress my cheek. I booped her nose and she giggled.
She then leaned down our faces were centimeters apart from each other's. I could see her eyes flicker up and down. I leaned up and closed the gap. She kissed me back and slid her tongue on my bottom lip and I granted her the access. It heated up pretty fast and here I was pulling off her cream sweater revealed her black lace bra. I looked up her and she nodded. Her eyes were dark with Lust and longing. I unbuckled her bra and threw it some in the room. I then flipped us over. I then kissed down her neck to her breasts she moaned me leaving hickey's everywhere.
I made my Way down and looked up again. "Yes. Y/N. Just... Fuck me already"
I nodded and slid off her panties. I came back up to her lips and kissed her passionately after some time kissing I unwarningly entered her with two fingers. Because it was during the kiss I pulled away as she opened her mouth. She was completely silent. Her eyes rolled back and her head aswell. Then I just pumped into her. After a bit she was already close so I went even faster. "AHHH SHII FUCK Y/N" she screamed when she came. I helped her ride out her high and fell next to her on the couch.

A/N let's just ignore the fact that Florence only just met you.

-1047 Words

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