I don't care if you like me

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So. Y/n and Flo are enemie's. And when I say enemies. I mean it. You try to top eachother with every film. She started earlier. But that doesn't mean shit. Feelings always get in the way. Fucking feelings. You then get a call from your manager. It changes some shit.

Y/N pov
I sit in my hanging basket in my living room just thinking. Circling back to the girl I hate. But she's so damn fine. No. Snap out of it Y/n. That girls poison. But she is. Fuck off. We're the same person. So?. She just HAD to start earlier. But I got a role in fucking Harry Potter. I acted from year 3 to 7 part 1. They I died. But my death was tragic as fuck. So that got me some good leads. I hear woman by Doja Cat come on (my ringtone btw) I see it's Mattie, my manager.

Hey Mats what's up?
Guess who just Rang me.
Uhh. Tony Stark. Oh wait. Dead. Hehe
Shut up. You cried to don't forget.
I surpressed that. Anyways tell me.
The fucking, sorry, Russo brothers.
They are filming a new avengers movie. And they want you to play a lead that is gay. So it's basically you.
Ha. ha. Tell me about the role dumbass.
Don't call me a dumbass I can make your life hell in an instant!
Are you threataning me?
Just tell me
OK so. Their name is Flo Guahini. Lesbian, non-binary. You know since Marvel is their own shit Disney can't be a homophobic bitch. Ummm. They have a female love intrest. Called-let's see. Yes. Yelena Belova.
My heart Freezes. I have Florence fucking Pugh as a love intrest.
UMM yeah. It's got everyone in-
So you're telling me I have to snog Florence Pugh on set. I'll probably have a PR with her. Great. Just great.
You'll get over it. I already accepted. Have fun in two weeks.

We finish the call I get an email of details and more notifications on my phone.

haileesteinfeld started following you
marvelentertainment started following you
jeremyrenner started following you
zendaya started following you
tomholland2013 started following you

And after some time

florencepugh started following you

What the fuck. I follow them all back. Harry Styles already follows me. Hehe flexflex. But Zendaya is an absolut QUEEN.

-time skip-
I arrive at the airport and am picked up by a buff man with brown hair.
"Hello I am Xavier I will be yoir driver and bodyguard" "Hello nice to meet you" he nods politely and grabs my bags effortlessly throwing them into the trunk of a black SUV.
After miraculously surviving the trip without Paparazzi I get to the Hilton hotel. "Here is your card" Xavier says holding out a plastic key card "And it's on the fourth floor number 4 between Mrs Steinfeld and Hunts room and Ms Pughs." he gives me directions. "Mrs?" I ask "Didn't you hear? Ella and Hailee Steinfeld-- the emisue in real life" "No but I'm looking forward to it." I'm screaming inside. I just KNEW they were made for eachother.
After arriving at my room I go next door to room 3 and knock.
"Hey" Hailee says "Hey. Hi. Big fan. Sorry" "Oh! Hey Y/n Y/l/n. I could say the same." "Yeah. Um congratulations. Im kinda really obsessed with you two as a ship. Umm. That sounded wierd. Anyways bye" She says bye too and I go to the 5th room. After a deep I almost knock. I hear whispers behind me recognizing Tiny Tom H. "Why isn't she knocking?" I hear Zendaya slap him "Do you think she knows how to knock?" I turn around "Oh shut up" we introduce ourselves and I make my way back to Florences room door. I knock and I hear her shout. "I'm coming-Oh" she looks at me. "Heyy Florence" she looks me up and down but not really in the good way I don't think. "Uh hey. What do you want" "I am in the room next to you so no wierd noises or I swear to God I will kick your door in" Fuck You y/n. The one time you try to strike up a conversation this is wha come out. "Sorry. Umm. Can we start over? For this film" she laughs in a 'bitch fuck nah' way and slams the door close.
"Sorry about her" I hear another familiar British voice behind me. "Wait- aren't you-" "Raffie Pugh. Yeah I know. Florence Pughs sister" she rols her eyes clearly annoyed that most people know her like that. "No. Your Raffie Pugh the Musiscian. I fucking love your voice" Her eyes light up. Must be annoying only being known as someone's little sister. "Really? Oh my God I love you already" We giggle and go into my room to talk and shit.
After a bit of talking were laughing like wierd ass birds. "So let me get this straight-" she cuts me off "You're not" We laugh again and we hear banging on the door. It's Florence.
"Hey Florence Pugh" she pushes past me. "Who are you-Oh. Hey Raf"
"What do you want Flo" she says mentally rolling her eyes. "Can u guys just stop-laughing" I stand next to Raffie "Why? You jealous Pugh?" "No" they both say simultaneously. "For fucks sake I mean the older one" I sigh. "Y/n can we just-Talk?" I Rais my eyebrow looking at Raf, who looks at me with equal confusion. "Why? I mean- Shure. But umm" I gesture around. "Just come with me you Bloomin Idiot" she drags me away and I quickly wave at Raffie.
She drags me out of the hotel and I can see Xavier go behind us. Bless that guy's soul. We start walking along the river. "OK so. I know you don't just want to walk with me" "OK so. I jszt want to say. I just read the script." "No fair! I wanna!" she shushes me. "I mean. We basically have a-" she breathes in and waves her hands around "very intime scene" I nod. "And I think. I think-I don't know. You know what. Fuck this" she turns around and runs back to the hotel without me.

Imma leave this here. I honestly have no idea how. So. Umm. Yeah. Pt 2 is gonna be out soon. Love yall. Umm. Yeah.
Stay safe, nourished and hydrated and text me if yall need anything.

-1095 words

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