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Flos and Y/n are both actresses who have lead roles in the same film. Their managers decide it would be good promotion for the film for them to "date".

Y/N pov
I wouldn't say that me and Flo were Besties. Ok nah we are. We are pretty close. Like, so close that I've seen about a million fanedits shipping us.
I get a knock on my door. I pick myself off the floor, bc I like laying on the floor. It was Flo. She pulled me into a tight bear hug as soon as she saw me. "H-Hi?" she wraps her legs around my waist. Then I notice the wet patch on my Tshirt. "Flo what's wrong?" ok but I would be lieing if I say I don't have a crush on her bc who wouldn't. Like honestly, shes such a nice person, the cutest laugh and stunningly beautiful. Ok I'm in big time. "I- we broke up" I rub her back while she sits on my lap her face still buried in the crook of my neck. "OK. Deep breaths" she looks at me for the first time and her eyes are red. Like  puffy and incredibly red. It was obviously a bad thing. "What did he do" she shakes her head. "I did something"

Flo pov
She traces my jawline with her finger. I wonder what it would be like if they were-- OK Flo get yourself under control for God's sake.
"You know you don't have to tell me anything we can just sit here and watch movies or some shit if you want to." I nod. "I would like that." she laughs and we las down on her pullout couch in her trailer.

Y/N pov
I get an idea. Obvi. "You wanna build a fort?" she looks kinda confused then her face brightens. "Yes" she gets up clapping like a little kid. We gather all of my pillows and blankets and then we build an ok looking pillow fort and climb in. "wait" I get out and go to the little kitchen like thingy. I grab a few waters, two glasses of milk and some biscuits. Or cookies yalls Americans ass. (YES I CASE YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED IM BRITISH) I climb back in careful not to spill or drop anything.
We eat and drink our snackies while watching rough night. Bc we can. And bc Scarlett slays. "Im hungry" she whines and I can hear her stomach rumbling. "Do you want to chop onions or just be a halfway normal person and order something" I ask. She snuggles into me. How tf can someone be so adorable. And how did she not see my blush like a few seconds ago. "You're cute when yoi blush" ok she did. I giggle. "Asian stuff it is then" I ship out my phone and bring up the site of my favourite place that serves just about every Asian food like Chinese, Japanese, Tai, Korean and tiny bit of Indian (ikik). "What do you want?" I ask her. We read through the menu and my Angsiety gets the best of me when the phone starts wringing.

Hey Wen Asia how can I help you?
Hey take your time we aren't busy.
Thanks, I appreciate it. Umm. We'd like to order Avocado Maki, Fried rice, Wok tofu, Tempura, two Tamago things, cucumbersalad and a side of rice.
Alll right. Perfect. See you in about 30 minutes

I hang up and me and Flo snuggle up until someone raps on my trailer door.
I get up and see its our managers.
"Hey guys!" They greet us and we chat for a bit.
"So. To the point of the meeting" My manager turns to me "We would like you to go into a PR" I nod slowly. "With who?" now Flos Manager speaks up. "With this fine specimen" she gestures to Flo. I snort. "Very fine indeed" she blushes "What will we have to do" Flo asks and they get out a list. "We will have to ask you to hold hands, post about eachother, stay close in public. So basically everything you do already" they smirk "Just you may have to kiss eachother." I giggle like a little kid and Flo smacks my arm playfully. After a few more shared minutes they leave and we have to go to this club.

-time skip-
We arrive and Florence takes my hand. We step out fo the car and look for the paparazzi. Never thought to actually LOOK for them. When we hear the cameras Flo kisses my cheek and we enter getting drinks served almost immediately. We drink some good shit and got kinda drunk. But sober enough to make our own decisions. I guess it's time. Flo pulls me outside a little bit away from the paps but not to that they couldn't see us. Then when the first person's head turned she pulled me in by my collar.
Our lips connected and now comes the typical sentace: I KnOw iT sOunDs CliChÉ, bUt I FelT fiREwOrKs gO oFf. Ok enough cringy shit. But really. I have had a crush on Flo for so long and now... She's Single and we're in a PR. Who knows what's gonna happen.
We continue kissing for a bit and then the paps had enough Fotos. We get in the car and drive back to the trailer. Back in the trailer I go to the bathroom to get ready and Flo gets ready in the bedroom thingy. I exit it and get pushed up a wall. "Are there paps in here or-" she looks at me. Idk how but. Just different. "I wanna talk now." Oh about ze breakup. "sure. Spill the tea" we sit down but she stays standing. "I- As you know we broke up. Well, yeah you do. But-But I actually broke us up" I raise my eyebrow. "But you seemed so happy" she states "Y/n I'm an actress I fucking act for a living" Well shit. "So I broke up with him because I had feeling for someone else. For a long time actually." she straddles my lap. "I just thought those feeling would go away after some time of dating a guy that's clearly pretty fruity." "True tho" like, look at Zach Insta. Fruuity. "But. Here I am. On your lap." Ding. Lightbulb. "So you're saying-" "Yes. Y/N-- I love your sister." wait-
"I'm kidding. Did u honestly forget that you're a single child?" I breath out loudly. Then I pull her in and we kinda start making out.
Then after some time kissing we settle down to watch a film. Occasionally stealing kisses.

I swear-if someone doesn't confess in a Wattpad way. I don't want it. Jkjk. But yea. I'm still alive. Um. Yeah. I'm ✨loki✨ running out of ideas so just message me. Stay safe, hydrated and nourished and text me if u need anything.

-1171 words

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