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Yes, CIHRIN is the abriviation of the last part. Yay. Just to lazyass to fully write it yk. So yea! Leave requests pls!

Florence pov
She tugs me into her bead and wraps her duvet over us. It was still slightly warm. Then she kind of aggressivly snuggles into my body. Good it was too dark to see ma blush. Anyways.
She's basically laying ON me right now. But I'm OK with it. And after a bit I hear her breathing slow down.
After a bit I fell fast asleep too.

-time skippppp-
I was awoken by a small sniping sound and slowly opened my eyes. There I see, Scarlett with her phone smirking at me. I playfully roll my eyes and shoo her away with my non occupied left hand. She giggles like a little child and exaturates her tiptoeing greatly. Then she closes the door as quietly as she could and we were alone again.
I looked down at the sleeping beauty and she was still fast asleep. I look over at my phone clock and see it is 11:32 am. She slept a long time. I must be comfortable.
I slightly nudge her shoulder bc duck waiting for people to wake up and creepily staring at them. She breaths out once and moves her hand under my shirt. Hopefully bc accident. Then she starts caressing my skin on my hip. I lowly mumble "jo. Girl tryna fuck" but don't do anything against it. Because I mean she could fail me anytime. Umm... Chille anyways SO.
I hear a small "Yes" Oh shit. She was awake. "Goodmorning" I grumble. She giggles and slowly lifts her body up so she's straddling me. "Mornin'" she says back yawning. I hold her hips to secure her. "You're skin was so warm" Ok...Miss gurl--can I f-- no. Flo. Keep yourself together.
"Kiss me"
"Oh come one you heard me and we both know you want t--" I cut her off by gently attaching my lips to hers. She kisses back as instantly as instant Ramen and things get heated pretty quick. She puts her hands either side of my head and I slide my tongue into her mouth. Then she pulls off my oversized shirt and shorts. I didn't have anything on and she, clothed, was sitting on my bare and may I say soaking pussay. "Are you sure about this?" I ask bc, permission is key. Then she nods so violently that I was afraid her head would fall off.

I take off her pj's and she starts moving out clits together. We both try muffeling our moans. It was quite successful but not over the top.
I flip us over with a swift leg movement.
I then lowered myself down placing a hickeys all the way. I then slider my tongue into her heat and flatten it out. She bites the pillow next to her violently and I start pumping. After a while I start curling my fingers which after a few more thrusts she came.
She screams into the pillow and I clean her up.
Then, after catching her breath she gets up. "Where are you going" I ask "The shower dimbo you wanna come?" I smirk "In which way?" She rolls her eyes and I can't help but giggle. Then I join her.

-time skiiiippp-
The shower wasn't as eventful as you might have thought. It was just a makeout session or two or three... Or eleven. But whatever.
When we come downstairs Scarlett had breakfast laid out. "Jesus Y/nn how long did you sleep it was. Three hours since I went up there" Y/n smirked "Oh I wasn't sleeping" Scarlett looked puzzled but then squealed "PLEASE TELL ME YALL ARE A THING NOW" I look over at Y/n "Y/n Pugh will you be my girlfriend" She giggles "Yes Florence Y/L/N" "I guess we are now" I shrug. Scarlett runs around clapping her hands like a little kid. Then we sit down to breakfast and talk about God and the worl.
"How about we spend some time at my apartment today" Y/n asks. I nod, bc, why the hell not.

-time skip-
We're currently on Y/Ns couch watching Agents of Shield. We ordered Chinese, well Asian takeout because Y/n wanted Sushi and we are currently on Season 2 episode 4. She is holding in something about skye. I've already watched it but she doesn't know that. It's worth her adorable giggle when I make a shocked face.

-time skip-
Daisy just went through terogenisis and I was all like, what the fuuuuck. So yea.
*ding dong*
Oh, someone's at the door. Y/n gets up but I hold her down. We fight for a bit and end up both going.
She opens the door and I already need eye cancer treatment. Motherduckin Kyle was there with a bunch of flowers and Y/Ns I don't know, third favourite kinds of chocolate.
She was about to slam to door in his face but he stapled in between. I was behind the door. But if he was intelligent enough he could've seen me. He pulled her in with a hand on her back and tryed to kiss her. She pushed away and looked at me. I didn't blame her being discusted. "Come on babygirl, give daddy a kiss" Damn, so desparate he called himself daddy. "Excuse me, what are you doing here" I piped up. He looks at me in dismay. "I could ask you the same question." I scoff this bitch fr? "I have every right to be here" He looks from me to Y/n. "What's se doing here Baby girl" Y/n rolls her eyes "She's visiting me and for God's sake stop calling me that discusting name I never liked it and you're not the one to call me that." He smirks "Oh yes I am you're my girlfriend" I can't help but start laughing. "I'm sorry, Girlfriend? So you rape her, mistreat her when she brakes up with you and just because you have noone else as you're fuck buddy you come back and think everything is OK?" He glares "Do you know who I am" This time Y/n starts laughing hysterically "Did you just hear yourself 'Do yOu kNow WhO I aM' do you the fuck know who she is?" He shakes his head "Florence Rose Pugh, Oscar nominated actress, Y/N Y/L/Ns Girlfriend" He looks at me and then at her. Then we slam the door leaving him banging outside.
"Girlfriend, sounds good." Then she kisses me up against the wall.

A/N ok please no hate for those people who are called Kyle.

-1130 words

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