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So this is a best friend story and it's a bit basic bc I can. So yea... Imma do my best.

A/N pls I need ideaaasss. Imma try get this book to 100 parts but I bet I won't lol.

Y/N pov
Today Flo asked me to hang out and I said yes. Obvi. We've been Besties since kindergarten and she knows everything. And I mean everything. Like, from me not liking full wheat bread crusts to me being a raging lesbian and simping for Scarlett Johansson bc who doesn't. She knows everything except one : MY big ass fucking crush on her.

Ding dong

Thats the girl. I open the door and am greeted by a hug with her wrapping her legs around me. "Hey Y/nn" She whispers into my ear and gives me a kiss on my cheek. Then she leaves my gay panic flustered ass just standing there.
"Come on babe! What'll we doooo " She plops herself onto my couch. I probably won't be able to return my skin to my normal skin color again fml.
"I don't know. What do you wanna do" I ask calmly. "I want to go to Disneyland Paris" I giggle at her adorableness. "Flo, you've got filming aftertomorrow" She sighs and nods her head in defeat. "I want to go shopping then" I kid and pick up my keys and wallet. "Come on then let's goo" I cheer stepping to my car.
I get in and strap on because safety first bitches. Then Florence gets in next to me and does the same.
"Where to" I put on a fake French accent. She giggles "To the mall" and dramatically points to the horizon. I nod and start the engine.

-time skip-
When we get to the mall Florence literally jumps out of the car and sprints inside.
I put on my mask and follow her into the first shop, which for some reason was Boots.
She bought all kinds of wierd shit but the thing that shocked me the most was that she tried hiding a pregnancy test. I pretended not to see it because she obviously didn't want it to be noticed. Then she draggs me into the typical things like M&S and WH Smiths. After that we sit down at a café - restaurant thingy and order some food.

Florence pov
I walked to the car o put the shopping in the boot and walk back to see Y/n ordering our food and shit.
I sit down quietly and see the waitress winking at her. She moves in her seat without making eye contact. She's obviously uncomfortable.
Then when the food comes the waitress had opened her ponytail and a few buttons of her shirt.
Then she slips Y/n a piece of paper. Presumably with her number on it.
That's. It.
"Excuse me ma'am." I interuplt her deep stare. "I'm her Wife" And I point to one of my rings. Slipping on one onto Y/Ns hand.
The Wairess gives me a dirty look and walks off.
"Damn. Wife?" Y/n chuckles. I shrug and look down.
"Is everything OK Flo?" I hear her ask.
I nod and slowly start eating my burger. "Are you sure" she asks again. "Yes dear" I say trying not to smirk at her blushed face.

-time skip agaiiin muahahha-
When we get home I rush to the bathroom with the test. I read how to use it and follow the instructions because I'm way too fucking nervous.
I now have to wait ten minutes. I slide down the wall with my head in my hands and start spiraling in all of the things that could go wrong.
I could be pregnant. With my boyfriend although we've clearly lost all interests. I am way to young for kids. Ok I'm 25. That's an OK age I guess. Should I ask Scarlett for advice? No. Not yet.
Then my phone beeps indicating the time I set is up and I pick up the stick in my hands.

It was... negative.

Oh thank the lord. I throw the test away and skip out of the bathroom downstairs.
"Well someone's happy" Y/n says looking up from her phone as she was leaning against the wall. I nod and jump into her arms so that she had to drop her phone and hold my thighs. Thank goodness her floor is carpeted. Her phone didn't get damaged, that's what I meant.
I bury my head in my neck. I then give her neck a kiss. Which sounds so wrong come to think of it. It was a bit. Let's say, too strong. And I ended up making a hickey.

-time skip again bitchesss -
"Florence Rose Pugh!" I hear Y/n
shriek. She runs downstairs and I jump ive rthe back of her couch to run away. She chases me around the house for ten minutes straight. Or gay.
And finally catches me back in teb living room. "Why the fuck would you put a hickey on my neck!" She whisper yells. Failing to hide her grin. "Oh please, you love it" she smirks "So do you" I press my hand against her chest. "Shush I'm exhausted" she sighs and plops herself onto the couch next to me. "Let's order take out"
I jump up "No! I need to cook and I need to chop onions!" (if you didn't get that I don't wike you hehe) she giggles and I run into the kitchen.

-time skip bc I caan-
Y/N pov
I hear Flo calling me from the kitchen and I prance downstairs.
"come try this" she holds ou a spoon of the soup she soup she just made.
I taste it and let out a moan bc damn this shit is good. I notice Florences is a fee hundred tones dark redder but shit she's still cute as fawkkkk.
"Damn Flo. That's amazing" She smirks recovering from her shock. "I noticed" Now it was my turn to go red.
Then she comes closer to my face and she stares into my eyes.
"What are you not telling me?"


-1033 words

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