Oscars And Closets

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So, Y/n is at the Oscars. Florence is there with her 'loving' boyfriend William. An Afterparty gone a little bit wrong... Or has it?

A/N: OMFG GUYS 2K READS ALREADY?!!! AND #9 IN FLORENCE PUGH?!!! Damn love yalllllll :))

"Over here Y/n" "Over here" I truge up the red carpet occasionally stooping to take pictures or sighn pics. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans and the support they give me. But ever since Leonie (my ex) cheated on me ALL I've wanted to do is sit in my nice air-conditioned room, eat snacks and binge watch unnecessary series or Netflix, Prime or Disney+. But. Nooo. I have to be out here in the scorching heat sweating my ass off in a dress that would be too tight for the skin niest person alive, which isn't me btw.
I get in and the Paps are gone. I give several interviews and pose for Fotos and stuff. Then I take my seat in the middling row. The three seats next to me are still empty. But they can stay that way. Then the announcement Ladies and Gents opening speech in 5
Ok chill tf out Y/n this isn't the first time winning and award. But this is an Oscar. Will you shut up. This is an Oscar not a globe. Stop being such a pussy. We're the same person bumbass. Oh yea.
"Excuse me" I look up to see Camila Mendes next to me "Hi how can I help you" I smile up "Can I just get past. It's just nothing against the way you sit but it's clearly gay. Not a bad thing! But I just can't get past." I laugh backing up against my seat. She sits in the one next to me and then a couple come walking this way. Holy shit it's Florence Pugh and her Boyfriend Will. Will sits next to Camila and Florence sits on the other side after giving me a small smile.
" So Y/n Y/l/n what do you think of this" Camila gestures around with her hands. "I'm honestly honered to be here but I really wanna be at home binge watching series" She snorts "Tell me about it" We talk for a while. Cracking Jokes and laughing them the lights dim a bit and the speech begins.
I feel a light tapping on my arm and turn to Camila only to see her gesturing to Williams hand on HER thigh. I nod leaning forward "Hey dude" He looks at me "Kindly remove your musty, dusty, crusty hand off her thigh please" I can see Florence snort and William snaps his head around to her and she looks down. Almost frightened. Oh that's how it is. "Keep your comments to yourself kid." He snarls. "Look, I would really like to keep this conversation going but first off, Camila here is visibly uncomfortable and you have one of the most adorable people in the world as your Girlfriend. If you don't want her. I'll have her." Florence and I's eyes meer and I look back up at Will.
He knows he can't make a scene now and slowly removes his hand. I sigh" Good, because Jennifer Lawrence isn't someone where you'd wanna get on her bad side." Neither is Lilireinhard"I gesture to Camila "Or Scarlett Johansson" I gesture at Florence. She giggles nodding. "Or Elisabeth Olsen" I  hear a voice behind me say. Holy shit. Scarlett Johansson. "Holy Moley. H-Hi I'm Y/n and a huge fan" she grins "Call me Scarlett. Or anything else just not Mrs Johansson or Mrs Olsen" I nod turning back. "And the Oscar goes to... Florence Pugh for Amy March in Little women!" We all clap and Florence gets up. Will smacks her ass and she flinches. Then she starts her speech "Umm, Wow. Thanks" She breathes heavily. "I-I honestly didn't think I'd make it here. And w-with the people I l-" Then she slumps to the ground in a breakdown. The crowd gasps and I look at William but he's just there. Flirting with some chick. Ugh. I rush to the stage and kneel down next to Florence." Hey Flo. It's me Y/n. Look I know you don't know me that well but.. Umm... Just breath. In through your nose and out through your mouth." She mimics me "That's it" I rub circles on her back and she eventually calmes down "Thank you" I smile and nod picking up the microphone. "Look, I'm not Florence" The croud laughes "But I can am least try" I take a deep breath "Look, I am now going to adrsss one person in the room. This one person is the most selfish, arrogant and lazy people I've ever met. And believe me I'm probably the laziest person ever." The croud laughs again "But please If you're called William Keane Sloan and don't give a damn about Your Girlfriend that just had a mental breakdown. But instead flirt with random chicks and make other women feel uncomfortable by touching them then please delete Florences phone number from your phone, move to alaska and never come back "
The crowd cheers and I put Florences arm around my shoulder." Which Hotel are you staying at?" I whisper " Burgandbury 6" "Me too" She sighs in relief and I get her into the back of my car "Where to Ms Y/L/N" John, my driver asks. "To the Hotel please" He nods and smiles and sets off.
When we get there I hand John a 20$ bill because of the extra person and me and Florence rush past the paps into the hotel. "Which Floor?" she asked I pushed the number '4' and smiled she nodded and weedily smiled back.
As we get tho my hotel room Florence looked much better. I handed her an Oversized Tee and some sweats. Then I got changed and she was in my kitchen. "Florence you don't have to-"
She puts a finger on my lips "But I want to" she whispers. That was a bit hot ngl. But Imma forget these thoughts for now.
I turn around but feel an arm pull me back. Then her soft lips connect with mine.
As I kissed her back she smiled and cupped my cheeks. She pulled away "Wow. You're a great kisser" I chuckled.

A/N OK ok I promise Smut next chapter.

-1080 words

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