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Y/N Y/L/N is a famous actress who is looking out for another gig.  Her agent gets a call from Marvel Studios. They want to film Avengers after the end . What happens when she finds out that she is someone's love intrest in the film?

A/N I am currently also working on a script and it is called Avengers after the end. It's stupid I know. But still a fun hobby. Obviously Nat is back. I have a feeling that this will be a long one. Or one with 2 parts.

Y/N pov

I flinched at my ringtone. Oh. It was my agent. Maybe he has some good news.

A:Y/N! Big news! You got cast into a role in the new Avengers film!
A:You got cast into a role in the new Avengers film!
Y:I heard you the first time. But like WTF!
A: I know right!
Y: Do you know who else will be in it.
A:I only know a few that'll be relevant for your role. They said fojt but they'll be more
Y: Just tell me already!
A: Well , first off, Tom Holland.
A: Scarlett Johansson, Elisabeth Olsen
Y: OK damn
A: Just don't lose your gay self. Buuutttt... Umm... Florence Pugh will be your love intrest in the film
A: Chill yo tiddies bitch.

Before you wonder why I am talking with my agent like that it's because it's my best friend Billie. I wanted to become famous. She wanted to help. She became famous in the prosses as a singer. She's got alot on at the moment, what with her no. 1 billboard album When we all fall asleep where do we go, being engaged to singer Ariana Grande AND having me as a client.

Y: Yea cool. Send me an email and I'll call them back
A: Cool. Bro, don't forget our clubbing on Friday.
Y: How could I
A: True. Ok byee!
Y: Byeee.

*call ended*

I put down my phone and went to the kitchen to get some instant Ramen. Chicken is superior. Fight me bitches.
My phone went off and it was a FaceTime with two unknown numbers. I flipped the camera so it was black and picked up.

(you, Scarlett, Flo)

Hi Y/n it's Scarlett. We heard you got a role with us and got your number from Zendaya.
Yeah. Like you guys are super close.
Florenence by the way.
Yoooo! No fucking shit! I love you guysssss. I am having such a Fangurl moment right now. Yea... Zendaya and I are really close friends. Have they already spilled the tea?
No what tea?
Her and Tom Holland are finally dating!
WHAT?! FINALLY! wait Scarlett how did you know?
Zendaya rang me up and was like "oh my God you'll never guess what just happened" and just told me
Damn I feel really unprivileged.
Youve only been in like, one Film and once series Flo.
Oh shut uuuupp.
Anyways what are you doing now?
Nothing why?
The marvel girls are having a gettogether at my house and since you've basically got the role you should come to.
I'll be there. Obvi.
Oh my fucking God. Umm... Yes!? When and where? Like the adress?
Now. And I'll send you the adress via text.
FUCK what should I wear?
Anything that is comfortable for you. And a bathing suit.
For sure. Byeee
Bye y/n
Bye darling.

*end of call*

Fuck. Did Flo just call me darling? That was... DAYUM. Anyways. Gtg.
I typed in the adress in Google maps and drove there. I lived surprisingly near to her, idk, third house.
As I pulled up I saw Gweneth and Karen walking in the door and Florence standing there telephoning with someone. Obviously stressed.
I got out of the car and walked towards her. Her back was turned to me. "No Zach! I'm with Scarlett." a pause. "Fuck you" pause " You know what. You know what. I don't love you anymore. I have my eyes on someone else." pause. "No bitch. Bye forever. Don't you fucking dare ring me again" the she hung up.

Florenence pov
"problems?" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Y/N. "Y-yeah no. Just broke up with this toxic motherfuker" she snorted "sounds stressful" I shrugged and led the way inside where we were greeted by Scarlett, Gweneth, Karen, Zoe, Zendaya, Letitia, Lizzie and Rachel.
"Look who finally desided to come in" Scarlett teased and winked at me. I rose my eyebrow and looked at Y/N who was happily chatting with Lizzie.
"OK listen up folks" Scarlett chanted put gaining everyone's attention "This is a party. But let's make it like a Highschool party. No drugs tho please." eyeryone cheered and started vibing to the music.
"Soo... How yall doing" Y/N came up to me. "Good. You?" I awnsered. "good, good. Saw you looking and Lizzie and me the other time. Not jealous are you?" She quirked an eyebrow "Oh please" I laughed and shoved her shoulder. "Oh is that how it is huh" she pushed me up against the wall, our faces inches apart. Apparently the  music stopped because then we heard Letitia and Zendaya go" Welcome back to How gay can this get with your hosts Letitia Wright and Zendaya Coleman. Here we see a spesimin out in the wild" Everyone laughed. "Way to ruin our moment guys" Y/N playfully sighed after letting go and giving me a wink. I snorted. Damn Y/n get out of my head.
-a few hours later-
The party had Come to a full blast as Rachel shouted "Come on guys let's play spin the bottle!" Everyone laughed and joined the circle. I was sitting inbetween Hayley and Chloe.
Kathryn put her empty bottle in the middle and Scarlett was forced to go first. It landed on Olsen. They kissed for about 2 minutes and pulled away blushing. Everyone Oooed and then then it was Zoes turn and it landed on Hayley. Then the turns were like, Gweneth and Letitia,  Chloe and Cobie, Brie and Tessa and so on. Then It was my turn. It landed onnn... Scarlett. Oh shit. We kissed for like a minute. I pulled away and saw the jealousy in Y/Ns eyes. Then ur was Zendaya turn. It landed. On Hailey. Phew. Oh shit. It's Y/Ns turn now. It landed on m-me. I looked up to Y/N coming over to me. She smirked and cupped my cheeks straddling my crossed legs. Then she closed the gap. This one took even longer then Lizzie and Scarletts. Then she pulled away next to my ear. "you're mine"
She bit my earlobe.
I was so flustered I couldn't even see straight. Y/N smirked and went back to her place.
-a few hours later-
"GOD! Florence and Y/n Stop eye fucking!" Cobie shouted. Probably because Y/N, who was at the bar and I, who was on the nearest sofa. We were just staring at each other.
-end of party-
"I doont waNnna goOooo" a drunk Y/n slurred together. "OK you can stay. It'll be entertaining" Scarlett said. "Florence." She said to me as I turned around to go. "You stay here too" I sighed and nodded. "Get y/n ready for bed. Just don't fuck." I rolled my eyes playfully. I took Y/Ns hand and guided her to the guestroom and helped her get ready. "D-did you know t-haaaaT you're really hooOot" I snorted "WellL you ArrrE" I helped her into bed and turned off the light. "StaaaaY" I sighed and got ready. "You're luck I like you" She giggled "I knooow" I lay down to next to her pulling the covers over us. "C-Can you uuu kissss me goodnighhtttt" She asks like a child. I giggle and turn around. I kiss her cheek and lay back down. Satisfied she snuggles down and pulls me into her.

-1345 words

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