Chapter 5 | First Steps

440 29 7

WC: 1598
Warnings: None


"The thing you need to remember when flying with an elytra is to just keep going," Grian explained. "If you pause, your wings will close and you'll plummet towards the ground. But, y'know, don't go too fast. Then you'll slam into the wall."

"Right." Ranboo felt a little dizzy from the explanation alone, and he hadn't even started flying yet. He was starting to regret asking Grian to teach him how to fly so soon.

The two of them stood in front of Grian's base. If they were here under different circumstances, Ranboo would have probably taken a good 10 minutes just admiring the sheer scale of the build. It was massive, spanning from close to Scar's starter base to nearly out of the jungle. But they weren't here for the mansion itself—they were here for its front garden.

"Do we really have to do it here?" Ranboo attempted to protest. "Why not start, I dunno, from a nice short tree or something?"

"Nope. You just sort of...have to take the plunge when it comes to elytra, literally. You'll learn better if you just jump straight into it."

Grian leaned against the anvil railway—anvils for railing, honestly, Ranboo couldn't imagine how much iron that must have taken—and pointed down to what was behind him. "That's why we're starting here."

The mansion had two massive holes on either side of its staircase entrance, each dug down maybe a hundred or so blocks. The left side was minimally decorated to look like a lush cliffside and held an automatic sugar cane farm.

That was all nice and fine, but Ranboo was more concerned about the height he would fall from if he failed with the elytra, which was probably going to happen.

Grian pulled the aviator goggles he wore on his head down over his eyes. "It'll be fine, honestly. I feel like I'm overcomplicating things for you. You'll see—once you start gliding it'll automatically come to you."

Ranboo doubted that, but he didn't say that out loud. He was pretty sure the nervousness was written clearly on his face, anyway.

"Here, I'll go first so you know where to go," Grian volunteered.

"The whole flying thing is up to me, though," Ranboo noted. "Your wings flap. The elytra is made for gliding."

"It's honestly gonna be easier for you than it is for me."

When Ranboo gave him a doubting expression, he pressed on. "I have to use up extra energy flapping my wings every time. The rockets do that for you. All you have to focus on is controlling where you're gliding."

Despite Grian's reassurances, Ranboo was still nervous. He wasn't really scared of heights, per se. He was more afraid of smashing into the ground or walls. And knowing he'd respawn if he died didn't help, either.

Plus, anyone who had common sense would avoid death if they could—it had a lasting impact on you, even after you respawned.

Ranboo watched as Grian dove straight off the railing, plummeting for a few seconds before spreading his wings and flapping gently down to the ground safely. He glanced up at Ranboo and waved.

"Your wings will spread on their own once they've caught the air!" he yelled, pulling his goggles back up.

Ranboo inhaled sharply, then jumped in after Grian before he could talk himself out of it.

The first few seconds were the worst. His wings didn't catch the air immediately, and for a few heart-pounding moments, it felt like he was in free fall. Then, he felt the wings spread on his back, and he tried to angle himself into a horizontal position so they could catch the air easier.

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