Chapter 3

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Abigail's POV

"What class do you have next?" The annoying teenage girl tried starting a conversation.

I stared at her with a blank expression, blinking only here and there.

See, after I got my schedule and locker number, this, oh so welcoming, teenage girl tries to talk to me.

But wait, that's right! I can't talk back! So she's been following me around ALL day trying to "be friends."

"So... what's your next class?" She asked again, cockiness in her voice.

I huffed and took out my schedule before shoving it in her face. Literally!

Her face was washed in shock as she pulled the paper from her face and glared at me.

"Oh! Yay! We both have art together!" She cheered as if I didn't practically just slap her.

She started walking off and I followed her, because I have no clue where I'm going.

"Come on, slow poke!" She yelled behind her back before opening a door and walking through.

Pacing up to the large, wooden door, I slowly opened it and walked through the classroom full of chattering kids.

A paper airplane flew pass my head and the kids watched as it descended. Though their eyes were taken off the plane and landed onto me.

Ignoring the stares, I walked up to the teachers desk and handed her my papers.

"Okay, class, this is Abigail Kalose, and she will be attending our school this year. Anything you want to share with the class about yourself, Abigail?"

Putting my head down, I shook my head 'no' and walked to an empty seat in the back of the room.

There was a window to the left of my seat and I drowned out the teacher's voice as I watched all the other kids enjoying their recess time and having fun with their friends.

A group farther away, wore almost all black hoodies and pants. They all looked tired with bags under their eyes, and completely energy drained.

I can't judge anyone. Nobody knows what goes on at their houses.

Heck, many of the schools I've been to, the most popular of kids end up committing suicide because of family or bullies, or something!

Nobody can know how much pain someone is in unless they experience it themselves.

I use to be like those kids in the shadows, hiding from everyone. I still am. If someone asks me 'are you ok?' I simply nod my head and keep on my mask.

Then life is good for everyone.

I don't get a beating, they don't feel the blame, and its ok.

The day passed quickly.

Only a few boys tried flirting with me and kids trying to make a conversation. The usual.

Nothing strange at all.

Until my last class...

It was time, where the class went to the computer lab and worked on some shitty site the school had found.

But while I was typing, something to the side of me, made me take my eyes from the computer screen and meet the ones of a bright emerald green.

Fresher than the summer's green grass. And lighter than a feather.

Weird, I know.

But these eyes, they drew me in.

"Get back to work, Austin, and stop eye-raping the new girl," the bitchy female teacher scolded.


I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel... connected to this boy somehow.

I don't know him. I've never seen him before. I think I'd remember those eyes.

So what's wrong with me? And... Who is this boy?

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