Chapter 20

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Abby's POV

We sat in silence for hours. I was weak and tired but stayed awake in fear of losing the possible last minutes I had with Austin. He was wide awake watching for danger and ready to protect me but I could tell he was getting tired as well.

"Austin?" My voice was quiet and weak but I knew he could hear me.


"Im sorry for not telling you sooner. You are my best friend and i didn't even talk to you."

"I understand why now. You weren't allowed to talk, Abby. It's not your fault." He explained.

"But I still feel terrible about it." I replied, putting my head down.

"Don't. Abby, we are going to make it out of here. Someone will come for us. I promise," he said, grabbing my hand.

I kept my head down and was going to say something but footsteps interrupted me.

"Don't tell lies, Austin." My father teased.

"What do you want from me?" I asked quietly. I was trying to save my energy.

"Not from you, sweetheart. If I could have, I would've thrown you out ages ago. But you were a good little slave, my dear." He taunted and chuckled.

I felt Austin's heat rising in anger. I gave his hand a squeeze and tried to calm him down. He took a deep breath but kept glaring at my father, probably wishing that looks could kill. If that were true, my father would've been dead by now.

My father noticed Austin's anger and laughed.

"Cat got your tongue, runt?" He laughed evilly once more before retreating back to the shadows. I heard a door close telling me that he has left.

"Austin, I'm so sorry." I apologized. I could feel my eyes starting to water but I refused to let any tears fall.

Austin didn't respond but instead kept taking deep breathes.

I sighed. This was my life. When I was able to sleep, i dreamt of growing old with someone I loved. Having kids and attempting to make cute little cakes and failing miserably. I even dreamt that my father would love me. Walk me down the aisle one day even. Then there were times when I dreamt of dying at his hands. Now those dreams were coming true but it's even worse. I always imagined he would somehow kill me. Just me. Audrey would grow old and have a family far away from my father. But now it's different. Austin is suffering with me. He could die too.

And it would be my fault...

*** Naomi's POV***
I made it to the border before I was stopped by the guards.

"I'm just going to town, boys." I played it off cool.

"The King said you are not allowed to leave for another week." They stayed strong, not even glancing at me.

"Come on! Help a girl out! I won't tell my dad, I swear!" I begged.

They didn't even answer. I had to come up with something.

"Listen boys... you know that thing that girls have. Well it's that time where Aunt Flow visits and I need to go get supplies if you know what I mean." My face lit up and theirs did too.

"I'm sorry, princess. By the King's rule, you are not allowed to leave." George, the youngest guard answered. He was newly recruited after his training. He was ranked second and Sam, the other guard, was first.

I sighed and knew that I would have to give up, or fight.

I quickly kicked George's feet from underneath him and while he was down, i made a run for the exit but was tackled by Sam. He couldn't hurt me because I was the Princess. I kicked him in the sweet spot and he tumbled to my side. George was now up and running after me but I climbed the gate and jumped over a second before he grabbed me. I turned back and George was scared.

"Don't worry! You won't get in trouble!" I yelled behind me as I ran towards my sister. She will no longer suffer because of this insane deal.


I ran and ran until I came to the special tree where I had told Michael to meet me. This was our special spot where we met when we were younger. He was special. Born with the power of sight. I was hoping he could help me track my sister.

"Mike, are you there?" I whispered out.

I heard leaves moving around before he came into sight.

I saw his bright blue eyes first. They were beautiful. I always loved them. His blonde hair stood out in the darkness of the forest.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been?! You look like 5 feet taller! You got your hair cut? I love it! Is your dad still an old crank? Did you get a job yet, princess? Ha! That's a good one! I made a funny! Isn't that funny?"

I laughed at him. He tends to talk a lot.. but I love it. You'd never get bored of Mike.

"I'm good, Mikey. I'm actually here for a reason-" I was cut off by his serious voice.

"I know." His voice was low.

"You do? And?" I questioned.

"I don't know exactly where she is. But I have an idea. Last night, in a dream, I saw a town sign through her eyes. Some place called Cedar Grove here in Wisconsin. It's a small town with barely any people. Perfect place for her dirt ass father."

"Language, Mikey. Anything else?"

"Yeah. A cabin. In the woods. I think she might be being held there. But she's not alone. I can't see who is with her. The energy tells me it's a boy-"

"The name's Austin. Steve told us about him an hour ago. Seems special to her. He broke in to save her but got caught himself" I interrupted him.

"I looked up the place on my computer. I searched for any residents near the woods. There's few houses but one stuck out. I looked into it and used my special ninja warrior smartness skills and guess who owns it?" He looks at me and raised his eyebrows waiting for me to guess.

"Just tell me." I grumbled.

"James Kalone." He smiled at himself.

"Thanks. Can I have the address?"

He gave me a weird look.

"You are NOT going alone." He stated.

"Who would come with me? George? No. He's mad at me cause I beat him down." I winked.

He shook his head.

"No! Me, silly! I'm coming with you! Before my pack was killed, I was trained. I can fight, Nemo."

When we were little, Mike had a hard time saying my name so he called me Nemo. It stuck and that's my nickname now. That was before Mike's pack was killed. My pack, the Crescent Moon pack was good allies with his, the Blue Moon pack. Blue Moon were killed by the Vampires. Evil creatures. Mike and I stayed friends though. I helped him through a lot. Those were dark times. He lost his entire family besides his sister, Lily. They lived together in a small hut on the edge of the forest.

"I don't know, Mikey. I can't lose you. You mean too much to me." I stared at the ground. My face heated up by my words.

"Awww! You do love me! I love you too, Nemo. Which is why I can't let you go by yourself."

I knew he would've give up. He's my best friend and wouldn't let anything hurt me.

"Fine, but we need to hurry. Sam and George probably already alerted my Father." I said quickly.

He shook his head before we head off towards the road where a car would be waiting.

I'm coming, sister.

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