Chpater 24

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Jordan's Pov

Tom refuses to leave my side. It frustrates Helgrind and the townspeople that he sticks with me. The only other person he trust with me is Wag.

But I really don't care. Steve, Martha, and myself have worked incredibly hard on finding Andor's location.

We've come to the conclusion outside on the moon!

I'm stoked to get to go to the moon. But I'm more excited about the space race we're having!

Wag has been really glum lately. Ever since the wizards came back into the picture he's been just depressing.

Tom told me its just because he got kind of excluded because he fell with us and not them.

He thinks I shouldn't worry about it. "Jordan!?!" Tom yells and I snap back into reality.

"Humm?" "Ifirez was talking to you about the space trip." Tom answers and I nod.

"Never mind. We gotta go do wizardly stuff. Talk more later James." Firez says and leaves with the other two wizards, Wag not included.

I can see the hurt in Wag's eyes. It hurts to see my friends upset.

Wag and I have gotten close over the past month. Not quite sure why but we have.

"I'll talk to you later." Wag says and we all watch them walk away.

"Wag you okay?" I ask. Tom playfully punches my arm. Trying to tell me to stop.

"Yeah." I can tell he's lying but I guess if he wanted to talk about anything he would.

"Tom you doing anything today?" I ask only to have Tom frown at me.

"Tucker and I are exploring the end a bit more. But I guess you could tag along if you wanted." He says and I glance back at Wag who is slouched over sitting on his steps.

"I've gotta do some Ars Magica stuff today or I would." I say looking back at Tom.

"I'll see you at home later." Tom says giving me a quick kiss before flying off towards the dojo.

I walk over and sit next to Wag. He sighs and turns away from me.

"Wag what's been going on lately?" I ask as politely as I can.

"I've been feeling a little forgoten that's all." Wag says his voice cracking.

"By who? FyreUK?" I ask and he nods, now looking at me.

"Its just they treat me as if I wasn't once one of them. They didn't lose their power entirely. I, on the other hand, did. I thought they'd respect me more than they are. Its nothing really." He says wiping a nonexistent tear.

"I'm sorry. I know this must be hard." I say and place my hand on Wag's shoulder.

"I just don't understand! We used to do everything together! Now when I see them they act like I'm weak. When I'm clearly not to be honest! I mean I've made some pretty damn powerful spells."

"Maybe, like Ifirez said, they are having memory issues and only remember thr thought of you and not the good times you all had together." I suggest trying to cheer him up.

"I mean maybe but ulgg...." Wag's fanning his eyes trying not to cry. I wish he'd just let go and cry. Its not like I've never cried in front of him.

"Wag can we summon the Air Guardian?" I ask trying to get his mind off things.

"Sure. I've got the air essence to summon it." He says smiling. Wag grabs the essence and we fly up to the platform Wag put together for it.

"And 3,2,1!" Wag summons it and we kill it easily.

"Now what?" I ask and Wag shakes his head. "I don't know."

"Have you beat the twilight forest?"


"Why did I not expect that."

Tom's Pov

"So he's been better?" Tucker asks referring to Jordan.

"Well I'm not sure. He's been pretty content with witchery stuff and Ars Magica. But he won't talk to me about anything."

"Well that sucks. Sonja told me she's been working a lot with Jordan on wedding stuff." Tucker says as we fly along through the end. Still no cool biomes.

"Yeah they have. They've planned a guest list and finished up crafting the invitations. But that's all I've been around for. How's things in the town?"

"Hell if I know!" Tucker says his voice echoing through the void.

"Did you give up your duties as bounty hunter?!" I yell playfully at him.

"Yeah! Those fuckers ripped me off! I was sick of being paid less because I'm a 'sky traveller'' Tucker exclaims and I nod.

"Hey the yellow biome!" Tucker yells and we land just on its surface.

There's a purple glow coming from another odd biome and I know imediantly Jordan needs me. "Tucker we gotta go." I snap and we fly back to the overworld.

Just Friends? (A SyndiSparklez fanfic) (book 1)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now